Tag: Christmas

  • 5 Best Christmas Sermons of 2018

    5 Best Christmas Sermons of 2018

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    Christmas gets celebrated by millions and billions around the world. In America, millions sing Christmas songs and listen to a pastor preach a message to retell the Christmas story. Communication in the 21st century has become a multimedia experience by creative pastors who work extra hard to handcraft a message that is more than spoken…

  • 2017 Best Christmas Gifts on Amazon

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    Christmas shopping can be so much easier without the pain of trying to find a parking spot and standing in lines. Through amazon.com, and especially if you have Amazon Prime, you can shop online and get the gifts delivered to your friends and family. Plus you get the bonus of not paying for shipping, not packing…

  • OC Christmas Tour 2017

    OC Christmas Tour 2017

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    One of the family Christmas traditions we started in 2011 is to worship at as many churches as we could during Christmas week. We’re able to go to more churches when there are fewer gatherings with extended family. Not sure what the plans are for this year yet. Here in Orange County, California, a dozen…

  • A 2016 Christmas Tour in Metro DC

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    For those that like to participate in a biggish Christmas production program, here’s some churches I’ve found that have those around Washington DC and suburban Maryland and Virginia this Christmas weekend, with Christmas Eve 12/24 Saturday being the most popular day of celebration: 12/24 at 3p, 5p, 7p, 9p, 11p McLean Bible Church @ Tysons…

  • 2014 OC Christmas Tour: Worship Christ the Newborn King

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    The OC Christmas Tour for this Christmas season is now under way, a Chuang family tradition we started back in 2011, where we go to as many Christmas worship services as possible during Christmas week. People say that Christmas is all about Jesus, and we ought to make time for Him instead of being busy…

  • A Christmas mass choir at Disneyland every year

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    Made a new discovery at Disneyland this weekend, proclaiming the great story of Christmas. First time I’ve heard of this tradition called Candlelight, and even my huge-Disneyland-relative Rachelle didn’t know about this most awesome annual experience. Last night as we were ready to close out our day and walking out towards Main Street for dinner…

  • Mapping out a DC Christmas Tour 2013

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    Merry Christmas! What better way is there than to worship God in Jesus Christ during Christmas week? This year I’m in the metro Washington DC area with family; and it’s become a family tradition to worship at as many church services as possible during Christmas week. Here’s my working spreadsheet, as I prepare my itinerary.…

  • Merry Christmas 2012

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    This is our family Christmas card to wish you a Merry Christmas this year!

  • 12 days before Christmas Eve

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    Today is that magical numerological date in history 12/12/12 and at 12:12:12 I was sitting down for lunch at a place called Chef Chen because a friend suggested it via Yelp. Where were you? As Christmas 2012 draws near, the Chuang family (my dear wife and sharp son) are preparing for the 2012 OC Christmas…

  • Why isn’t Easter bigger than Christmas?

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    The 2 most powerful things about the Christian faith get celebrated year after year: Easter for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death to life, and Christmas for the incarnation of Jesus Christ born as a baby from a virgin. Both supernatural and miraculous. And being raised from the dead is a far bigger miracle…

  • OC Christmas Tour 2011 recap

    OC Christmas Tour 2011 recap

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    @ ,

    We had a most memorable Christmas this year as a family, having family time together _and_ family time with the Family of God, as we took an OC Christmas tour all over Orange County to attend Christmas week worship services at a total of 10 churches. (Couldn’t quite make it to 11, as originally proposed; kept…

  • Going to 11 churches for Christmas 2011

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    We love Christmas yes we do, we love Christmas how ’bout you? Worshiping Jesus is what Christmas is all about, and in Orange County there are many worship times serve many people. And it’s even possible to worship at 11 different churches for a more fuller and wider experience of worshiping together with a wonderful…