Tag: innovation
Can I be an innovator and not an entrepreneur?
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@ journalI realize that I have lots of ideas. Some of that comes from an overactive imagination. Some of it might be related to having ideation as my top-ranking StrengthsFinder themes. I even bring some of these ideas come into reality, but it brings me just as much joy to share an idea that someone else…
Shape the Future of the Internet at ICANN Meetings
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@ internetHey, conference lovers and Internet lovers. There’s a professionally-produced conference you can attend for FREE. It’s the ICANN Meeting, open to the public, held this week in Los Angeles, California (USA), and I attended on behalf of my work with the .BIBLE TLD Registry (operated by the American Bible Society). The official description of these events:…
Next Innovation on the Internet: no more slashes?
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@ internetHere at the ICANN 51 conference (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) in Los Angeles this week, sitting in on lots of policy details being examined and re-examined, so as it goes with a multi-stakeholder model of governance, and there’s sidebar presentations of technical layers too. By the way, did you know there’s now…
Community Bible Church Introduces Innovative Program to Develop New Online Churches
[press release] COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH INTRODUCES INNOVATIVE PROGRAM TO DEVELOP NEW ONLINE CHURCHES Free Online Church Leaders training platform provides step-by-step instructions to launch an online church, with a goal of reaching one million people each week by 2016 SAN ANTONIO – July 15, 2014 – In what is believed to be the first program…
Time to reboot the company business model and collaborate with the crowd
A new entity called Crowd Companies launched today and what an exciting new future that it’s creating! Kudos to Jeremiah Owyang for taking this bold leap of faith with courage and conviction to reboot the business model of companies and corporations. The one slide from his Le Web 13 presentation that vividly portrays this transformation…
How to innovate on $0 budget
Here at the Raw Church unconference yesterday and today, and boy have the conversations and topics been RAW. Covering quite the gamut of the human condition (and some would prefer to use the term human depravity) and the brokenness we experience — adultery, sex abuse, divorce, multiple divorces, unexpected death, mental illness, terminal disease, race…
Always more than 2 ways to do something
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@ journalI am an unconventional ideator and that’s made my life harder than most people in this real world. Here’s a real- life example I’m blogging while standing in TSA line for security check. Returning a rental car with a full tank of gas is a must for avoiding exorbitant service fees. So I pull up…
List of Churches with Innovation Pastors
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@ churchWhat may be emerging is a new role in the church: pastor of innovation. (Granted this may not become mainstream where every church would have one, since most churches have more pressing operational day-to-day needs.) I’ll do my part to keep this list updated. (Please do add to this list.) How much of their job…
An ultimate new job: Chief Innovation Officer
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@ journalThink outside of the box? How about creating a new one. This excites me big time! There’s a new emerging kind of role in the marketplace, and Wikipedia has a short entry for it: Chief Innovation Officer. This is so new the acronym for it isn’t settled yet — I’ve see it as CINO and CNO.…
Making of a Movement: Multi-site Churches
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@ churchThere’s something exciting about being a part of movement. And there are some people who want to start a movement. How do you start a movement? One of the most significant movements in recent church history is an (organized) church that meets in multiple locations, the multi-site church movement. I connected with Greg Ligon to…
What’s Next in Church Innnovations
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@ church“What’s Next? A Look Over the Next Hill for Innovative Churches and Their Leaders” is a new mini-book by Dave Travis of Leadership Network. The book appears to be a report or white paper that was written to inform executive-type leaders of larger churches and that same kind of intel’ is now being made available…
Innovative ethnic Chinese churches in America
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Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial/ethnic group in the past decade, cf. Census 2010. This situation ought to prompt new activities among the over 7,000 Asian American churches in the United States.* While a majority of these primarily have Asian-language worship services & ministries, there’s bound to be some level of innovation, churches breaking…