Tag: podcast

  • when Joe Rogan talk with Christian guests

    when Joe Rogan talk with Christian guests

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    The Joe Rogan Experience tops the charts in the world of podcasting, while producing 3-hour long podcasts, which is plain confounding, because most podcast episodes average around 30 minutes in duration. And to pull off that kind of popularity, he’s got something to say—because he’s both entertaining, intelligent, and has interesting guests. I do find…

  • Looking for smart sermon podcasts

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    Someone asked me for sermons and sermon podcasts with smarter preachers, with more intellectually engaging content. This would be in contrast to the many other popular sermon podcasts that might be described as “putting cookies on the bottom shelf” and everyday language to try to reach the largest number of people, per se. Here’s what I…

  • 87 podcasts subscribed to by the insanely curious

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    I’m sitting here minding my own business, actually trying to do some work, and my friend Brent Wong (@EpicBdub) asks me about what podcasts I listen to. He also asked how to get more Twitter followers, and I don’t have a good answer, other than to ask you to consider following him: use Follow @EpicBdub.…

  • How to subscribe to iTunes podcasts on Android

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    Too often I’m finding podcasts that only have an iTunes feed, and neglecting the significant numbers of people using Android and non-iOS devices and/or don’t have iTunes installed on the desktop (and don’t want to). Hey podcasters, please post both the iTunes feed and the RSS feed for all your listeners; maximize your listening audience…

  • Social Media Church launched

    Social Media Church launched

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    I stayed up late and launched a new podcast http://socialmediachurch.net/ for conversations with church leaders about social media! Click over and give it a listen and add a comment

  • List of Christian podcasts that aren’t sermons

    List of Christian podcasts that aren’t sermons

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    Recently I’ve been looking for podcasts to subscribe to for my commute time. I’m most interested in the intersection of social and spiritual things, aka people & relationships, which isn’t as popular as topics like technology or cooking or celebrity gossip. In the Christian podcasting world, most podcasts are sermons or teachings or devotionals or…

  • Owning the Vision: Multi-Asian Church Podcast Episode 6

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    Adding to the discussion about leadership development, in this episode of the Multi-Asian Church Podcast Series, Ed Choy and I talk about owning the vision of an multi-Asian/multi-ethnic churches. Episode #6: Owning the Vision Show notes And here’s the video that Ed Choy mentioned of Alan Hirsch talking about the dangers of a risk-averse culture.

  • Leadership Development: Multi-Asian Church Podcast Episode 5

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    For those of you keeping score at home, this is episode number 5. In this episode of the Multi-Asian Church Podcast Series, Ed Choy and I talk about developing Asian American leaders in the context of an multi-Asian/multi-ethnic churches. You’ll need to listen more carefully, since the background noise at this episode’s Starbucks (in Dallas)…

  • Episode 4 of the Multi-Asian Church Podcast: Leadership

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    The conversation continues. In episode 4 of the Multi-Asian Church Podcast Series, Ed Choy and I discuss leadership, and how can church leaders better develop and connect with Asian American leaders.

  • Vision Revisited: Episode 3 of the Multi-Asian Church Podcast

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    Yes there’s more to be said about the importance of vision. In episode 3 of the Multi-Asian Church Podcast Series, Ed Choy and I dig deeper into how to communicate compelling vision in multi-Asian/multi-ethnic churches. While the gifts of a strong communicator is valuable, it isn’t the magic bullet in getting vision to stick. We…

  • Vision: Episode 2 of the Multi-Asian Church Podcast

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    Continuing the conversation with Ed Choy about multi-Asian/multi-ethnic churches. (For the record, Ed is 1/4 Chinese.) The topic is on communicating vision. Of course vision is important. Without vision people perish. But how does vision play into developing Asian American leaders for a multi-Asian/multi-ethnic church? How does vision need to be communicated? It did take…

  • Multi-Asian Church Podcast Series: Episode 1

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    Recently re-connected with Ed Choy,   Pastor of English Ministry at Chinese Community Church Germantown (Maryland,) and we got to talking about a topic of great mutual interest — Asian Americans and multiethnic churches. And, tonight we’re launching this new podcast series for this dialogue — the Multi-Asian Church Podcast Series. Each week we’ll cover…