Tag: discipleship

  • What does Asian American discipleship look like?

    What does Asian American discipleship look like?

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    Question: ”wanted to see if you had or knew of any resources that spoke on Asian American Discipleship. We’re working on a discipleship framework but I’m realizing that it is so “white.” So I’m looking for resources that would speak more into what “Asian American” discipleship looks like.” @djchuang answer: that’s a great question, and…

  • Why Planting New Churches for Millennials and the World is Vital

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    I’m en route to Tampa for the Exponential East 2015 church planting conference this week and have a few thoughts to share. This annual event, now bi-coastal and twice a year, has unarguably been instrumental in equipping and inspiring and mobilizing people and churches for the imminent future of churches in America and around the world.…

  • Mentoring Online for Asian American Christians

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    These are my slides for DJ Chuang’s breakout titled Mentoring through Media at the Asian American Ministry Conference “Mentoring for a Lifetime” at Biola University on Saturday, November 8th, 2014 Mentoring through Media @ AAMC 2014 from DJ Chuang Audio Recording (mp3) of this Breakout:: References mentioned: Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need to Succeed…