The 2 most powerful things about the Christian faith get celebrated year after year: Easter for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death to life, and Christmas for the incarnation of Jesus Christ born as a baby from a virgin. Both supernatural and miraculous. And being raised from the dead is a far bigger miracle than a baby’s birth, and so much so that The Apostle Paul rightly argued that the Christian faith is practically null and void if not for the reality of the resurrection: “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.”
So why does it seem like Christmas is a bigger deal than Easter? I have my own speculations and theories as to the reasons why, but I sure want to hear from you. Add a comment. Is it the presents? Is it the snow? Is it the holiday movies?
From this unofficial tally of worship services at 20 larger churches in Orange County, California, there were 99 for Christmas vs. 113 for Easter. So maybe Easter is bigger than Christmas for church-goers, and Christmas is bigger for American culture at large?
My family joyously celebrated Christmas at 10 churches this past December. Not sure how many churches we’ll celebrate Easter with just yet. But I am putting a spreadsheet together to begin scheming…
(cf. List of Popular Churches in the OC and Southern California)
5 responses to “Why isn’t Easter bigger than Christmas?”
RT @djchuang: Why isn’t Easter bigger than Christmas?: The 2 most powerful things about the Christian faith get celebrated… http://t.c …
“@djchuang: Why isn’t Easter bigger than Christmas?…” More attested miracle implies and demands more?
RT @djchuang: ( Why isn’t Easter bigger than Christmas?
Easter makes a more stark religious claim, demands response “@skyleung: “@djchuang: Why isn’t Easter bigger than Ch…“
Why isn’t Easter bigger than Christmas? via @djchuang | A survey worth trying in your community?