Tag: news
what’s new with DJ Chuang in 2024
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2023 is ending up with several miraculous divine provisions, after launching Christian Asian Mental Health to advance compassion and care through Asian American faith communities..
News Release: Logos Bible Software is now Faithlife Corporation
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@ churchNEWS RELEASE Logos Bible Software is now Faithlife Corporation Logos Bible Software has changed its company name to Faithlife Corporation to reflect a wider offering of products and services for the Christian community. BELLINGHAM, Wash., September 15, 2014 — Logos Bible Software, the maker of the world’s leading Bible software, is rebranding to Faithlife Corporation — a…
Freedom of speech, journalism, and artistic license
When public communications veer off the path of truth, and enters the domain of artistic expression, not only are lines blurred, because both journalism and art/ entertainment are forms of public communications, the confusion of fuzzy logic and the gullible naivite of the undiscerning casts a cloud of anxiety over the masses. This week the…