Tag: DC
Churches near me in Rockville and Bethesda Maryland
in churchFinding a church near Rockville, Maryland, is something I do on the occasions when I’m visiting family and friends in MoCo. There are many churches around Rockville, including many within driving distance in Gaithersburg, Germantown, and even Derwood. Here are ones I’m aware of and many of these I’ve visited: Churches within driving distance of…
7 Tips for Going to Museum of the Bible in DC
in journalMy personal tips for your visit to Museum of the Bible. See the controversial museum about the provocative book for yourself.
A 2016 Christmas Tour in Metro DC
in churchFor those that like to participate in a biggish Christmas production program, here’s some churches I’ve found that have those around Washington DC and suburban Maryland and Virginia this Christmas weekend, with Christmas Eve 12/24 Saturday being the most popular day of celebration: 12/24 at 3p, 5p, 7p, 9p, 11p McLean Bible Church @ Tysons…
Asian American churches in the metro Washington DC area
Question: “I’m looking for a church in the DC area with a large Asian American demographic in attendance. I really want to be integrated into the Asian American community. Can you refer me to such a church in DC? I don’t have a car or know how to drive, so my traveling options are limited to just walking.” Answer…