Tag: work

  • Can I be an innovator and not an entrepreneur?

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    I realize that I have lots of ideas. Some of that comes from an overactive imagination. Some of it might be related to having ideation as my top-ranking StrengthsFinder themes. I even bring some of these ideas come into reality, but it brings me just as much joy to share an idea that someone else…

  • 7 articles about job transition when laid off

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    In a turbulent economy and a fast-changing world, layoffs are all too common for increasing numbers of people. Here’s some helpful articles:: What to Do if You Get Laid Off – On Careers (usnews.com) What To Do As Soon As You Get Laid Off – Forbes Laid Off? 10 Things You Must Do | Glassdoor Blog…

  • New Tim Keller book on work, vocation, and calling

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    Few books adeptly addresses the conundrum of work from a Christian world view. Work is such a consuming part of our lives, often unsatisfying, yet there is something good about work that both the Biblical text and even Ayn Rand (a vocal critic of Christianity) acknowledges. And it’s a common quest for people to want…

  • The best work I can do and love

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    Experimenting. Exploring. Ideating (brainstorming). Strategizing. These are the things I love doing and am great at doing. If you (or someone you know) would like my services in any of these areas, please do contact me so we can discuss how I could be of valuable help. Now, the back story. Much of my life…