Tag: Chinese

  • Chinese American Churchgoers and Mental Health Experiences

    Chinese American Churchgoers and Mental Health Experiences

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    Please help Esther Mou with her doctoral dissertation research! This is a study looking at social support and mental health of Chinese American Church Attendees and consists of a QUICK anonymous survey with an opportunity to win a $50.00 Amazon Gift Card. This study also seeks to learn more about the mental health experiences of…

  • Why Chinese people don’t need religion

    Why Chinese people don’t need religion

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    Chinese Americans are the least religious people group in the United States. The Chinese in America aren’t just the least religious among Asian Americans, but also the least religious of any ethnic grouping. To be more precise, a new forthcoming book, Family Sacrifices, opens with a nuanced paragraph: Fifty-two percent of Chinese Americans report having…

  • Christian Spirituality of Korean and Chinese Americans

    Christian Spirituality of Korean and Chinese Americans

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    While both Chinese Americans and Korean Americans are included under the broad umbrella grouping of Asian Americans, general differences and also similarities can be observed in how they practice their Christian faith. In Chapter 5 of Tapestry of Grace: Untangling the Cultural Complexities in Asian American Life and Ministry (by Benjamin C. Shin and Sheryl Takagi Silzer),…

  • Enlighten, a Mental Health Seminar in a Chinese Church

    Enlighten, a Mental Health Seminar in a Chinese Church

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    Update: Please see the Enlighten website for the latest information, at enlightenmentalhealth.org/seminar Also watch videos from the 2018 Enlighten mental health seminar (info below kept online for historical reason)

  • Rev. Thomas Wang, a Chinese Leader in World Missions

    Rev. Thomas Wang, a Chinese Leader in World Missions

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    Rev. Thomas Yung-Hsin Wang (王永信) was highly regarded as an influential Chinese church leader among the worldwide Chinese Christian population. Rev. Wang had a global vision that included both the Chinese diaspora as well as all nationalities and ethnicities as the Great Commission calls for. I had met Rev. Wang on a couple of occasions.…

  • A List of Influential Chinese-American Christian Leaders

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    I asked for help with this question, “Who are the influential Chinese-American (English-speaking) Christian leaders?” on the internet and on Facebook. The crowdsourcing activity was way more numerous on Facebook, with 41 comments and counting. Here’s the list of Chinese-Americans mentioned on Facebook in response to the question: David Hsu, West Houston Chinese Church Vivian…

  • Influential English-Speaking Chinese-American Pastors

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    This question came into my inbox, “Who are the influential Chinese-American (English-speaking) Christian leaders?” Frankly, the question stumped me. My hunch is the question behind the question might be to find conference speakers that would draw a crowd. And that’s just how it goes with the business side of conferences, that keynote speakers are often…

  • Research on Chinese Canadian Christians

    Research on Chinese Canadian Christians

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    There’s a research project about Chinese Canadian Christians underway that’d be very valuable and of interest to many. * Since the time of this original post, the research was completed and published—see Listen to their Voices: An Exploration of Faith Journeys of Canadian-Born Chinese Christians. This is a summary by Jonathan Tam with details about…

  • Where to get 酸梅汤 Sour Plum Drink #suanmeitang

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    A wonderfully delicious Chinese beverage known as Suanmeitang 酸梅湯, aka Sour Plum Drink, is traditionally popular in parts of China and Taiwan, and you’d think it’d be available somewhere in popular Chinese areas here in the OC (Orange County, California). Since I don’t read Chinese characters, it hasn’t been easy to find the restaurants and cafes that…

  • CMC 2014 Panel Discussion re: Unleashing Asian American Church

    CMC 2014 Panel Discussion re: Unleashing Asian American Church

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    Recently found the recorded video from the CMC West Coast conference’s panel discussion (01/01/15) on the topic of: “What is holding back the Asian American church from doing the work of God?” with panelists: Dr. Young Lee Hertig, DJ Chuang, James Cho, Rev. Joseph Chun, and moderator James Yu. Notes about Asian American Churches’ Potential…

  • Where are the Good Preachers in the Chinese American Church?

    Where are the Good Preachers in the Chinese American Church?

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    I’m feeling sad about the state of the Chinese American Church. I posted this on my Facebook timeline with visibility to my friends, where people have a perception that it’s comfortable to add a comment there. (I tend to see more comments on my Facebook posts than my djchuang.com blog posts) Chinese Americans have the largest population in…

  • Unleashing the Potential of Chinese American Churches

    Unleashing the Potential of Chinese American Churches

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    I’m sincerely grateful for the invitation to speak at the CMC West Coast event this weekend in San Diego. It’s the 2nd time the organizers have hosted this bilingual Chinese Missions Convention. And I’ve got 2 occasions for which I’m invited to speak. One is a 75-minute workshop titled “How the Church can be Unleashed…