Tag: Christianity

  • A History of Asian American Christianity from 2003 to 2019

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    The best collection of articles that I’ve found online about the history of Asian American evangelical Christians is posted at AsianAmericanChristian.org. When that website was actively posting new content between 2013-2015, the curator interviewed me for my take on Asian American Christian history. Here are a few snapshots of history from my vantage point, which is…

  • What really is the value of Christian apologetics?

    What really is the value of Christian apologetics?

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    Content of all kinds swirl around the internet and one category has been grouped under Christian apologetics. Apologetics has been around pre-internet and perhaps for many centuries. I was posed this question recently to which I decided to respond: Q: So do you think there is value in Christian apologetics? @djchuang’s answer: Yes, I think…

  • New Book for Asian American Churches and Pastors

    New Book for Asian American Churches and Pastors

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    My new book, MultiAsian.Church: A Future for Asian Americans in a Multiethnic World, will be released on October 4, 2016! The book will be released as a digital eBook first and later as a printed edition, to be released by the end of the year, Lord willing. MultiAsian.Church gives an overview of the Asian American…

  • CMC 2014 Panel Discussion re: Unleashing Asian American Church

    CMC 2014 Panel Discussion re: Unleashing Asian American Church

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    Recently found the recorded video from the CMC West Coast conference’s panel discussion (01/01/15) on the topic of: “What is holding back the Asian American church from doing the work of God?” with panelists: Dr. Young Lee Hertig, DJ Chuang, James Cho, Rev. Joseph Chun, and moderator James Yu. Notes about Asian American Churches’ Potential…

  • Why Planting New Churches for Millennials and the World is Vital

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    I’m en route to Tampa for the Exponential East 2015 church planting conference this week and have a few thoughts to share. This annual event, now bi-coastal and twice a year, has unarguably been instrumental in equipping and inspiring and mobilizing people and churches for the imminent future of churches in America and around the world.…

  • Christianity Today cover story on Asian Americans

    Christianity Today cover story on Asian Americans

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    Christianity Today Magazine’s October 2014 cover story is “Asian Americans: Silent No More — Asian American Christians are growing in influence and audience. Will they be embraced by their broader church family?” by Helen Lee, who recently started a new role at InterVarsity Press as Associate Editor. The cover’s wording is: “Asian American Ascent: They…

  • A Better Gospel for Chinese People and Asian Cultures

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    Have you noticed there are 4 Gospels about Jesus Christ in the Bible, the Christian Scriptures? Why wasn’t one more than enough? One reason it’s so valuable to have these multiple presentations of the life of Christ is to make it more understandable and meaningful to particular people in specific cultures: Matthew for the Jews. Mark for the…

  • 9 Things About Asian American Christianity

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    [dug up from archive.org, because the original link is gone, and most links in this archived version don’t work] Over the last few weeks, I have hosted a few guest bloggers to share their thoughts on Asian Americans in Evangelicalism. Last week, Helen Lee wrote about cultural intelligence, and two weeks ago, Ray Chang wrote about empowering…

  • Future of Asian American Church

    Future of Asian American Church

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    Thanks for all who came to our workshop session on the Future for the Asian American Church at Exponential West 2013. Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial/ethnic group in America today, and exponential numbers of next-gen multi-Asian churches are being planted that better reach the next generations of not just Asian Americans but also multiethnic…

  • what being missional is about

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    Being missional is the topic du jour in the mainstream American church, and there’s no sign of the momentum slowing down. Last week in Austin, Texas, I participated at the Verge Conference 2012 with ~ 2,500+ others in attendance to get invigorated about missional communities + missional churches + being missional, and even getting our…

  • Asian American Christian faith matters

    Asian American Christian faith matters

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    A handful of events and networks have crossed my radar recently that cultivate dialogue around the contextualizing of Christian faith for/with/by Asian Americans. October 15th / 22nd @ Dallas / Houston Legacy Dialogue 2011: Trust Factor – how to build trust between two generations in ministry – the future of next generation English ministry in…