Tag: book

  • Now available! MultiAsian.Church book in print and digital!

    Now available! MultiAsian.Church book in print and digital!

    The publishing of this new book, “MultiAsian.Church : A Future for Asian Americans in a Multiethnic World,” is finally complete! Now it is available for purchase online, both in print and in digital formats. 100% of proceeds from book sales go to Thirty.Network for advancing Asian American church leaders in a multiethnic world. This book…

  • Starting to Write a Book about Multi-Asian Churches

    Starting to Write a Book about Multi-Asian Churches

    I started working on a side project last September in a low-profile manner. I’m in process of writing a book that will be titled “MultiAsian.Church“— the title is set as is the website. And I’m writing this book with an open process, so you can follow its progress, read early drafts, and pitch in with honest feedback at…

  • New Tim Keller book on work, vocation, and calling

    Few books adeptly addresses the conundrum of work from a Christian world view. Work is such a consuming part of our lives, often unsatisfying, yet there is something good about work that both the Biblical text and even Ayn Rand (a vocal critic of Christianity) acknowledges. And it’s a common quest for people to want…

  • How Charles Lee is like Jeremy Lin

    How Charles Lee is like Jeremy Lin

    Last week was Jeremy Lin’s breakthru on the basketball court. This week is Charles Lee‘s breakthru on the bookstore charts as his new book launches today, Good Idea. Now What? How to Move Ideas to Execution! Keep an eye on this guy, he’s going places. I’m not predicting a New York Times best-seller just yet, but…

  • Book previews: Weird. Friending. Verge.

    I confess that when I receive review copy of books from publishers, I don’t have the time and energy to read every word in every book to give it a proper book review. Not having read them, I can’t review them. What I can do is mention them and to skim them with my initial…

  • How long will it take for church diversity?

    How long will it take for church diversity?

    How long will it take? How long? A diverse society is all around us in the United States and yet most of our Christian churches do not match that diversity. Most would agree the church should, whether a church leader or the average joe. Scott Williams weighs in with another voice to reiterate this truth…