Tag: pastors

  • what naive pastors don’t know

    what naive pastors don’t know

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    I had a 2019 blog series here for naïve pastors that got lost during my web hosting server migration. And I admit my own naïveté and stupidity with not having a solid backup & restore plan for my website. What I was able to do is resurrect that blog series into one long blog post.…

  • influential pastors that the next generation are watching

    influential pastors that the next generation are watching

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    In our extra-polarized American society, who will be the role model and moral compass for the next generation? Whether we’re looking for churches that are effectively reaching millennials or Gen Z, or being inter-generational or multi-generational, it’s a challenging time to develop one’s preaching skills, to pastor a local church, and to build a good…

  • A Safe Place for Pastors to Talk Freely

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    Hello Pastors. You need personal support more than organizational support, because when you’re not well, productivity tips and consultants won’t get you to the finish line.  Who Can Be a Pastor to Pastors There are a good number of ministries that care for your personal well-being and hotlines you could call to be supported, even if…

  • a list of millennial pastors under 40

    a list of millennial pastors under 40

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    Who are the pastors that will speak to the next generation, in the midst of statistics that say so many millennials are leaving the institutional organized church? Here are some of the millennial pastors that speak to their generation (listed in no particular order): Of course, there are many many more millennial pastors under the…

  • Where Asian American Pastors Gather Together

    Where Asian American Pastors Gather Together

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    I believe in the value of gathering pastors and leaders gathering together for robust discussions, the iron sharpening iron kind of dialogue. There is some value in sharing a meal for fellowship and encouragement. In many localities, cities or regions, I’ve participated in and have known of pastor’s fellowships that met monthly or quarterly. I…

  • Where Asian American Pastors Can Get Coaching

    Where Asian American Pastors Can Get Coaching

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    You have choices for coaching cohorts as Asian American pastors; coaching helps you to grow your effectiveness as pastors, church leaders, church planters, spiritually, relationally and personally.

  • Influential English-Speaking Chinese-American Pastors

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    This question came into my inbox, “Who are the influential Chinese-American (English-speaking) Christian leaders?” Frankly, the question stumped me. My hunch is the question behind the question might be to find conference speakers that would draw a crowd. And that’s just how it goes with the business side of conferences, that keynote speakers are often…

  • New Book for Asian American Churches and Pastors

    New Book for Asian American Churches and Pastors

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    My new book, MultiAsian.Church: A Future for Asian Americans in a Multiethnic World, will be released on October 4, 2016! The book will be released as a digital eBook first and later as a printed edition, to be released by the end of the year, Lord willing. MultiAsian.Church gives an overview of the Asian American…

  • Preachers Over 75 Still Preaching Regularly

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    There are some preachers don’t retire, even though it’s certainly well within one’s rights and privileges to do so. ICYMI, the full retirement age is now 67 here in the United States. The good thing about a timely retirement and a church leadership transition done well is how that can be a healthy thing for…

  • Asian American Pastors on Megachurch Staff

    Asian American Pastors on Megachurch Staff

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    Churches intent on reaching as many people as possible, like megachurches, some are staffing up with BIPOC pastors like Asian Americans

  • Real Millennial Pastors of Churches for Millennials

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    Articles abound about engaging the next generation known as Millennials (loosely defined as people born between 1980 and 2000, that’s 14-34 years old) in the marketplace and workplace as well as in religion and faith; pundits and experts have published many ideas and theories and trends about their behaviors and preferences. But where are the…

  • What Peter Drucker said about pastors and churches

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    Peter Drucker has a living legacy as the father of modern management for his keen insights and observations about people and organizations that have revolutionized the for-profit and the non-profit sectors. Many multitudes of organizations have accomplished more results and become more effective by applying Drucker’s principles. One commentary about the most difficult leadership positions…