Welcome to djchuang.com, where I’ve been blogging since 1999. I love to find and share interesting things, which include an eclectic mix: Asian American and multiethnic, generosity, mental health & shame, life and faith, social media and internet, and other random topics. And, here’s my answer to the frequently asked question, “What do you do exactly?”
I’d love to connect with you!
My name is DJ Chuang, and I work as a freelance digital strategy consultant. With over 20 years of experience working with individuals and organizations, I bring together ideas, resources, and connections that help you find breakthrough in your specific context using the newest innovations, web technologies, and social media. Contact me to discuss how I can help you with developing breakthrough ideas, web & social media strategies, speaking and training.

bio (full version)
DJ Chuang works as a digital strategy consultant, currently working with the .BIBLE Registry and World Impact. He’s worked with organizations like American Bible Society, Visually Linked Bible, Worship Leader Magazine, Leadership Network and L2 Foundation developing leadership & legacy for Asian Americans.
DJ is the executive director of Catalyst Wellness Alliance and its program, Christian Asian Mental Health that provides coaching & resources for every Asian American church to develop its mental health ministry. He also co-hosts the Erasing Shame podcast, authored a book, MultiAsian.Church: A Future for Asian Americans in a Multiethnic World, and graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary and Virginia Tech. He continues blogging at djchuang.com since 1999, curating many links to resources pertaining to churches multiethnic and/or Asian American. He resides in Orange County, California, with his artistic wife Rachelle, and their son Jeremiah. Lastly, DJ’s often spotted wearing orange at conferences.
bio (shorter version)
DJ Chuang works as a freelance digital strategy consultant, serves as director of Christian Asian Mental Health, and co-hosts the Erasing Shame podcast. He’s the author of MultiAsian.Church: A Future for Asian Americans in a Multiethnic World. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and Virginia Tech; and now lives in Orange County, California.
[Download a hi-res photo of DJ Chuang: 300dpi ]
connect on social
@djchuang on threads | facebook | instagram | linkedin | youtube | discord
Erasing Shame erasingshame.com – encouraging Christian Asian mental health
Generous Asians generousasians.substack.com with Jeff Lee & DJ Chuang
Press Mentions on Mainstream Media—including PBS, NBC News, Los Angeles Times, OC Register, Christian Post, NPR, Christianity Today

conversations + presentations + talks
“EP306 Digital & Mental Health – Stigmas in the Church” on theChurch.digital Podcast
“Ep 53: Erasing Shame as an Asian American” on The Value of Wrinkles (hosted by Isabel Tom)
“Experience Over Expertise” on Unapologetically Black Unicorns
“The Nature of Power and How it Relates to Anxiety” on Managing Leadership Anxiety (hosted by Steve Cuss)
“How do we deal with Shame?” Hard Questions, No Answers (with Dr. Gabe Lowe)
“325: Discussing Social Media, Shame, Generosity and More” (SocialMedia.Church)
“Episode 26: MultiAsian Church with DJ Chuang” @ Bamboo Pastors Podcast
“S2E6 – Multi-Asian Church and Other Models” @ The Last Seminary podcast (James Kang)
“Episode 138: Erasing Shame” @ You, Me, Empathy podcast (Non Wels)
“Mental Health Ministry and Cultural Competence” (Key Ministry)
“How to build up the Asian American voice” – Interview on PJS Live Dialogue
“The Post-Pandemic Future of the Church” @ TheoTech (Chris Lim)
“Cultural Competency, Shame, And Generosity” @ Praise Hands (Robby Valderrama)
2019 1.9 Mental Health – on Breadcrumbs (Jason Low, Bread of Life Church)
S3E02 DJ Chuang – on Managing Leadership Anxiety (Steve Cuss)
Mental Health on the Fringe – on The Global Fringe (April Diaz)
“Online with the Word” – on iWord4Him (Jim & Martha Brangenberg)
Catching Up with DJ Chuang about Social Media, .Bible, and MultiAsian.Church – on SocialMedia.Church ep.230 (Nils Smith)
“NamesCon Interview: .BIBLE Expands Beyond Churches” on Kickstart Commerce (Alvin Brown)
Lunch & Learn interview – on Church Butler (Kenny Jahng)
Leadership Unplugged 02: Asian American Church and Mental Health (Samuel Yoon)
“Online Ministry and Social Media with DJ Chuang” on YM Sidekick (Tom Pounder)
List of my presentations + publications »
archive of my 2002-2009 talks + sermons: Listen online »