87 podcasts subscribed to by the insanely curious

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I’m sitting here minding my own business, actually trying to do some work, and my friend Brent Wong (@EpicBdub) asks me about what podcasts I listen to. He also asked how to get more Twitter followers, and I don’t have a good answer, other than to ask you to consider following him: use Follow @EpicBdub.

podcastsRather than just sending him my podcast subscription list (powered by Pocket Casts running on Android) alone, why not share the wealth? So I’ll go ahead and share it with the whole world here on my blog: DJ Chuang’s export.opml (12/16/13).

I’ll get around to putting in the names of the podcasts later; scroll below for the raw output of the OPML converted into HTML. (Sure would save me a ton of time if there was a better OMPL to HTML converter out there; help?!) [had found this OptimalBrowser.com widget to make the list browse-able]

Podcasts on DJ Chuang’s subscription list

  1. [RSS] Crossroads, GetReligion Podcast
  2. [RSS] Marketing Smarts from MarketingProfs
  3. [RSS] NPR Topics: Religion Podcast
  4. [RSS] NPR Topics: Technology Podcast
  5. [RSS] Podcast Answer Man – Cliff J. Ravenscraft
  6. [RSS] Six Pixels of Separation – Marketing and Communications Insights – By Mitch Joel
  7. [RSS] Social Media Marketing Podcast
  8. [RSS] The Moth Podcast
  9. [RSS] The Well: Spoutcast
  10. [RSS] This American Life
  11. [RSS] Timothy Keller Podcast
  12. [RSS] Triangulation
  13. [RSS] On Being
  14. [RSS] TED Talks
  15. [RSS] Charles Lee
  16. [RSS] Social Pros Podcast: Real People Doing Real Work in Social Media
  17. [RSS] Social Media Church podcast
  18. [RSS] How Sound
  19. [RSS] lemUSITA
  20. [RSS] Radiolab from WNYC
  21. [RSS] Manager Tools
  22. [RSS] The Human Business Way
  23. [RSS] The Web Ahead
  24. [RSS] The Leonard Lopate Show from WNYC
  25. [RSS] Evernote Blog » Podcast
  26. [RSS] The Religious Studies Project
  27. [RSS] Recovered Podcast – The Unofficial Alcoholics Anonymous AA Recovery Podcast
  28. [RSS] Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast
  29. [RSS] The Ken Coleman Show
  30. [RSS] NPR: TED Radio Hour Podcast
  31. [RSS] #THINKDIGITAL: Social Media Marketing
  32. [RSS] The Techology Show
  33. [RSS] NPR: Ask Me Another Podcast
  34. [RSS] TED Talks- Society and Culture
  35. [RSS] The Public Speaker’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Improving Your Communication Skills
  36. [RSS] Lexikrat – SAT Words Audio Podcast
  37. [RSS] Webcology
  38. [RSS] DomainSherpa.com
  39. [RSS] Homebrewed Christianity CultureCast
  40. [RSS] In the Loop with Andy Andrews
  41. [RSS] The Splendid Table
  42. [RSS] KCRW’s Good Food
  43. [RSS] On Pop Theology Podcast
  44. [RSS] News in Slow Spanish Podcast
  45. [RSS] Internet Toolbox for Churches
  46. [RSS] What Did They Say Now?
  47. [RSS] Church Tech Weekly
  48. [RSS] ChurchMag Podcast
  49. [RSS] Freakonomics Radio
  50. [RSS] New Yorker: Out Loud
  51. [RSS] The Gospel Coalition
  52. [RSS] Theology Unplugged
  53. [RSS] 5 Minutes in Church History
  54. [RSS] KEXP Presents Music That Matters
  55. [RSS] Rainer on Leadership
  56. [RSS] Jesus Christ Show
  57. [RSS] unSeminary
  58. [RSS] EvFree Fullerton Sermon Podcast
  59. [RSS] The Dinner Party Download
  60. [RSS] Saddleback Church Weekend Messages
  61. [RSS] The Accidental Creative
  62. [RSS] NPR Columns: Sunday Puzzle Podcast
  63. [RSS] On The Page: Screenwriting
  64. [RSS] iMandarinPod.com
  65. [RSS] Soulation
  66. [RSS] The Phil Vischer Podcast
  67. [RSS] Housholder’s Life & Liberty
  68. [RSS] Dan Pink’s Office Hours
  69. [RSS] The Exchange with Ed Stetzer
  70. [RSS] Church Planter Podcast
  71. [RSS] Sexy Marriage Radio
  72. [RSS] Real Truth Real Quick
  73. [RSS] Reformed Pubcast
  74. [RSS] Being Bipolar
  75. [RSS] Tech News Today
  76. [RSS] Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
  77. [RSS] Frequency.FM
  78. [RSS] The Weekly Firecast with Scott Roberts
  79. [RSS] Pathway Community Church Messages
  80. [RSS] NPR Topics: Food Podcast
  81. [RSS] The Event Tech Podcast
  82. [RSS] Reformed Forum » Christ the Center
  83. [RSS] ReformedCast
  84. [RSS] Sermonsmith
  85. [RSS] NPR Programs: Fresh Air Podcast
  86. [RSS] The God Journey
  87. [RSS] The Hitched Podcast: Perfecting Your Marriage


One response to “87 podcasts subscribed to by the insanely curious”

  1. DJ!

    I’m honored that you would listen to the unSeminary Podcast! Thanks!
