Enlighten, a Mental Health Seminar in a Chinese Church

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Update: Please see the Enlighten website for the latest information, at enlightenmentalhealth.org/seminar

Also watch videos from the 2018 Enlighten mental health seminar

(info below kept online for historical reason)

Mental health affects every one of us, because we have a brain and we want to stay health. If you don’t struggle with mental health, you probably know someone who does, because 1 out of every 4 adults and 1 out of every 5 youth will experience mental illness as a part of their lives.

The Enlighten Mental Health Seminar is for individuals and families affected by mental illness, churches and their leaders, and anyone who has a heart to walk with others from mental illness towards mental health. There’s 2 Plenary Sessions + 8 Professional Speakers + 10 Practical Workshops.

Get more details at the event website and invite others via this Facebook event link.

Register now for the Enlighten seminar on Saturday, October 20, 2018 (8:30 AM – 2:00 PM) @ Chinese Christian Church of Thousand Oaks (218 W. Janss Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360).

Mental Health for Asian Americans and Chinese Americans

The Enlighten seminar is designed to educate, encourage, and enlighten individuals and families facing the realities of mental illness. The seminar will be valuable for anyone and everyone.

With the seminar being hosted at a Chinese church, the seminar will be especially helpful for those who are Chinese, Chinese American, and Asian American. as well as church leaders and pastors and Christians in Southern California.

And, watch the stories of the conference organizers and hosts, Curtis and Carole Lowe, to hear genuine words of hope and encouragement.