Making and Sharing Lists of Lists, People, Places, Things

One of the best way to organize stuff is making a list. Even the mythical Santa Claus is known for making a list and checking it twice. The most popular kinds of lists already have lots of brands, websites, and apps to make those kinds of lists more useful: for productivity, there’s checklists, task lists, and to do lists; social bookmarking is great for lists of links; reading lists for books; shopping lists for remembering everything to buy and wish lists for things others can buy for you; bucket lists for life goals.

There are all kinds of other lists too, for things to be categorized and published so those things can be made known and shared. Some could be ranked or voted on. And in an open-source world, lists should be easily added onto. Whether it’s a list of people, places, or things, lists ought to be easier to collaborate on than wikis. is the most versatile one I’ve found, for today’s social media world, and even comes with a WordPress plugin. Best way is to run these list-making and list-sharing websites through their paces and make a list of lists. Here’s a list of list-making and sharing websites and apps:

Please add more in the comments if you know of others. Thanks!

// [update 8/16] wouldn’t you know it, I had compiled a list of these social list makers last September too:: How to create and share lists more interactively //


One response to “Making and Sharing Lists of Lists, People, Places, Things”

  1. Found this ambitious new crowdsourcing project of lists – “Help us create the world’s largest collection of freely-available lists”