Month: April 2011
Who gets paid in a new kind of church?
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@ churchThe recurring question of the times in 21st century America is: “What is the church?” My flight is cancelled. That gives me time to blog. As I’m trying to get to Orlando for a couple of days at Exponential Conference with 4,000 other church leaders getting invigorated about church planting, there’ll be quite the mix…
Easter Services for all of Orange County
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@ churchEaster Sunday is a few days away, on Sunday, that’s the day after Saturday, which is the day after Friday. Easter services on Sunday 4/24 at 9:00am and 11:00am – at the OC Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, California. A most beautiful thing they’ve done in preparation is the invitational website at For web-savvy users…
Chick-Fil-A please add cream to my coffee
Heard a most inspiring and insightful talk from Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy at Imagination Summit, at Biola University. Inspired me in many ways, including getting my breakfast at CFA Irvine Marketplace. Heard that 90% of their breakfast sales come thru the drive-thru, just doing my part. This morning, I ordered the #4 combo. I asked…
How much self-promotion is too little or too much?
One issue that a freelancing independent consultant runs into is making his services known to others. For some people, especially those influenced by Asian cultural background, any mention of one’s own accomplishments is considered boasting too much self-promotion. I’m one of those that’s had more than my share of Asian influence, right down to my…
What is Asian-American-ness?
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In the Winter 05.2011 issue of SEMI, a student publication at Fuller Theological Seminary, 3 pieces featured much-needed infrequently-voiced under-resourced considerations for contextualizing Asian American ministry: Jesus Eats Eggrolls: A Case for Ethnic-Specific Ministry by Roger Lam Asian Americans: Model Minority or Hidden Shame Culture. An Insider’s Perspective. by Randy Choi What is Asian-American-ness? Towards…