Easter Services for all of Orange County

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Easter Sunday is a few days away, on Sunday, that’s the day after Saturday, which is the day after Friday. Easter services on Sunday 4/24 at 9:00am and 11:00am – at the OC Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, California.

A most beautiful thing they’ve done in preparation is the invitational website at http://www.oceaster.com. For web-savvy users who can appreciate great content & beautiful design as well as web developers who can appreciate lightweight design (without requiring Flash Player), this one is destined to be award-winning, if not already.

Sometimes a community Easter service is done collaboratively by a handful of churches. This isn’t that kind, per se. This un-branded event is hosted by a megachurch called ROCKHARBOR, doing the heavy-lifting with programming and production and the making-it-happen part. (disclosure: it’s my home church.)

Any other megachurch you know of that’d do a public worship service at an 8,500-seat venue without branding it? [update] plus, the event’s printed bulletin lists a dozen or so great churches in Orange and Los Angeles Counties for people to get connected to after Easter.


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