What is Asian-American-ness?

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In the Winter 05.2011 issue of SEMI, a student publication at Fuller Theological Seminary, 3 pieces featured much-needed infrequently-voiced under-resourced considerations for contextualizing Asian American ministry:

  • Jesus Eats Eggrolls: A Case for Ethnic-Specific Ministry by Roger Lam
  • Asian Americans: Model Minority or Hidden Shame Culture. An Insider’s Perspective. by Randy Choi
  • What is Asian-American-ness? Towards Defining the Context by Daniel D. Lee

Read the articles below or in a new window:


5 responses to “What is Asian-American-ness?”

  1. DJ – Thanks for highlighting this. Looking forward to engaging it.

    I don’t mean to sound negative right off the bat, but I have to say the choice of “Chinese takeout” font for most of the magazine’s headlines is killing me. Graphic design communicates so much — I wouldn’t want important content such as this to get lost. Message and medium should work together (rather than one confronting and one contributing to stereotypes).