Leading voices among Asian American preachers

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Many people find lists and selecting the best of the best because there’s too much information out there (and I say that to opt-out from that category for myself.) So, in response to a tweet, here’s a list of Asian American pastors that regularly preach and teach at their churches and particularly contextualize the Gospel for all peoples, those who are bicultural, interracial, and multiethnic (in contrast to some who may speak from a generic Gospel perspective, not that there’s anything wrong with that; listed in alphabetical order):

This is a subjective list compiled in response to this tweet “[@brentonbalvin] who are some top Dricsoll, Chandler, Piper, -esque Asian preachers I should be podcasting?” and I welcome your comments and additions to the list too. (ed.note: I took his inquiry as one for Asian American preaching rather than Reformed preaching by Asian Americans)

There are many more good Asian American pastors serving their churches—see my list of next-generation multi-Asian churches; the list above are those that come to mind when I think of active sermon podcasts. This means to be listed, there needs to be podcast feeds that can be subscribed in iTunes and Android, as well as contextualizing Gospel to cultures. Also see my blog post: What about Asian American Preaching.

More Great Asian American Preachers

[update 2022-08-14: Ed Stetzer’s twitter thread and comments has many other Asian American preachers listed]


11 responses to “Leading voices among Asian American preachers”

  1. Hey DJ! Good list! I think some of these preachers wouldn’t want to be connected with New Reformed-style preaching, though (if I understand correctly the heart of @brentonbalvin’s question). They’d especially cringe at the thought of being Driscoll-esque.

  2. Do we know of any women Asian American preachers/speakers who are featured on regular podcasts? There won’t be many on the church front, unfortunately, but there could potentially be quite a few in parachurch ministries like InterVarsity, if their messages are recorded and made available for download.

    1. +Eug, thanks for your comments. I read @brentonbalvin’s question as being about top-tier English-speaking Asian American preachers, rather than new-reformed or megachurch pastors and authors. If I were to list Asian megachurch pastors in America, there’d be more than a dozen in non-English languages, which he wouldn’t be able to understand by subscribing to their podcasts. 🙂

      One woman Asian American pastor I know of is Katie Wong at New Life Christian Fellowship (Castro Valley CA) and sermon audios are online at http://www.newlifebayarea.org/93823.html but no podcast feed that I could find.

  3. Grateful for the Asian American church planters that began churches in the 90’s. The second generation Indian church has so much to learn from these trail-blazers. Grateful for their lives and obedience to Jesus.

  4. DJ, as always thank you for sharing resources. I just sent my dissertation and you are in it! You’re one of the only resources I know who has such lists. Wish I saw this before today. I’ll have to amend it, lol! By the way, I would def add Mitchel Lee, teaching pastor at Grace Community Church in Fulton, MD to your list. He is very good and I believe they are podcasted. Not 100% sure though. Blessings!

    1. Hello Ed, thanks for adding to the list and I’d be happy to check out the good preaching of Mitchel Lee and see how he contextualizes the Gospel and if a podcast feed is available..

  5. I would definitely add Stephen Um to this list as well as Paul Kim (very Piper-ish) Pacific Crossroads Church,

  6. Hey thanks for these! I love Pastor Eugene Cho. He was the major voice in encouraging me to give away half my salary last year for charity. Will check out the others!

  7. Thanks for putting this together DJ. This is very helpful. Seems like the West Coast is doing well. The East Coast needs to raise up some great speakers. Ed Choy, you’re up next!

    1. I think there are great speakers everywhere, East Coast too. Even with the numbers at 50% of Asian Americans on the West Coast, that means 50% are elsewhere not on the West Coast! My short list above only includes those that are contextualizing the Gospel with a distinctively Asian American perspective and have a podcast feed for easy listening & subscribing.