How an Introvert can build a platform

I’ve already said it (and recommended it a handful of times in offline conversations), that Michael Hyatt‘s new book Platform is the best book about leveraging social media I’ve seen in 12+ years, and his team’s promotional efforts have put it on the bestsellers lists.

And as I’ve recently launched a new podcast, Social Media Church, I’m listening in on other podcasts to get into the groove. Good to see Michael Hyatt has a podcast up and running, and jealous of how he’s got a show transcript transcribed for each episode too. I don’t know of a podcast transcription service, yet, so I’ll ask you if you know of one – please add a comment and let me know. (and Michael’s too smart to be transcribing on his own.)

Before I add my thoughts on this, here’s is an excerpt from one of Michael Hyatt’s podcast transcripts, that answers one of those frequently asked questions by introverts:

Rebecca Livermore: Hi Michael, this is Rebecca Livermore from The question I have for you is what is the best way for people who are introverts who maybe don’t like getting up in front of people, speaking, or going to live events and networking to build a platform? Thanks so much.

Michael Hyatt: Rebecca, there is a lot I could share about this. Let me just say to begin with that I am an introvert myself. I am very introverted. I’m naturally shy in a group of people. I kind of keep to myself. I don’t draw energy from people. Over time I’ve learned to kind of turn it on hopefully in a genuine and authentic way.
The way I do that is I make it about the other person. I try to be really naturally inquisitive so if I’m in a room of people trying to network I’m not there self-promoting. I don’t do that very well. I love to ask questions and find out more about other people, and as it turns out other people’s favorite topic and subject to talk about is guess what? Themselves. That’s right. So I think if you make it about that it will help you to focus less on yourself, more about them, and put you at ease.

Having said that, I do think you’re going to have to put yourself out there. If you’re going to build a platform, you’re going to have to move outside of your current comfort zone.

What I’d say about introverts and platforms is this: that social media makes it easier for introverts to modulate when s/he uses her energy to engage with people, as draining as that may be for the true introverts. By contrast, when you’re in a crowded room with lots of people around, or whatever kind of social public space, you don’t readily have the option to disengage unless you intend to come across anti-social. But, with social media, because of its asynchronous mode (for most of its popular uses), you can decide when to use it, and when to unplug and recharge. And, of course, there are other ways to build a platform, and you probably don’t want to use just social media to do your platform-building, if you’re looking to build one large enough for some reason or another.