I’m talking at Exponential West 2013 about multi-site churches, one church in multiple locations, at a workshop session this afternoon. The number of multi-site churches has grown exponentially worldwide from around 100 in 1996 to more than 5,000 by 2012. Here are the slides, links, and resources.
Leadership Network‘s multi-site church resources – concept papers, FAQs, blog posts
Multi-site churches mentioned: Onnuri, Hillsong, LifeChurch.tv, McLean Bible Church, Westside Family Church, North Coast Church, Saddleback Church, Community Christian Church, Stillwater United Methodist Church, Harbor Presbyterian Church, New Hope Oahu
Map of multi-site churches at MultisiteSolutions.com/map
#article The Seven Most Important Questions When Going Multisite by Dave Ferguson (in Enrichment Journal)
#article Inspired by Starbucks: Charismatic Pastors Grow New Flocks Overseas, Using Satellites, DVds and Franchise Marketing To Spread Their Own Brand of Religion. (Wall Street Journal, June 2008)
#article Liquid Church Merges with Historic 190-Year-Old Congregation for ‘Rebirth’ (Christian Post) and video about new Mountainside campus
#video Greg Ligon: The best format for multisite ministries (innovate4jesus)
#download Should Your Church Go Multi-site?: A Self-Diagnostic Tool
- The Multi-Site Church Revolution: Being One Church in Many Locations (Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon, Warren Bird)
- A Multi-Site Church Roadtrip: Exploring the New Normal (Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon, Warren Bird)
- Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work (Jim Tomberlin, Warren Bird)
- Multi-Site Churches: Guidance for the Movement’s Next Generation by Scott McConnell
- 125 Tips for MultiSite Churches by Jim Tomberlin