New Tim Keller book on work, vocation, and calling

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Few books adeptly addresses the conundrum of work from a Christian world view. Work is such a consuming part of our lives, often unsatisfying, yet there is something good about work that both the Biblical text and even Ayn Rand (a vocal critic of Christianity) acknowledges. And it’s a common quest for people to want to find meaning to work, and the meaning of life, though often without a metaphysical or religious framework.

But Christian answers have too often come up short, like these (excerpted from page 22 in the print edition) — the way to serve God at work is…:

  • to further social justice in the world
  • to be personally honest and evangelize your colleagues
  • to just do skillful, excellent work
  • to create beauty
  • to work from a Christian motivation to glorify God, seeking to engage and influence culture to that end
  • to work with a grateful, joyful, gospel-changed heart through all the ups and downs
  • to do whatever gives you the greatest joy and passion
  • to make as much money as you can, so that you can be as generous as you can

By contrast, this new book Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work by Dr. Tim Keller with Katherine Leary Alsdorf released this week and ably presents a robust understanding of work– the desire, the difficulty, and the satisfaction of work. (ed.note: I substituted my own words here for the book’s 3 sections; and I do wonder why the book wasn’t named “The Meaning of Work”)

Read more about this book in this interview with Tim Keller and Listen to God’s Work and Ours – interview with Tim Keller

And courtesy of Dutton, Penguin Group (USA), I’m giving away a free hardcover copy of Every Good Endeavor here at (which is host to the first Tim Keller web page on the internet.) Win a copy of the book by doing at least 1 of these 4 tasks – add a comment, tweet this contest, like the page, and/or follow @DuttonBooks on twitter. 4 chances to win! Contest ends on 11/15 12:00am midnight Eastern Time.

Enter the contest and win Tim Keller’s new book on work – Every Good Endeavor

Up your odds by entering other contests at servantsofgrace and godhungry, or just buy the book now in hardcover or as a Kindle ebook.

[disclosure: I received a review copy of this book]


36 responses to “New Tim Keller book on work, vocation, and calling”

  1. This looks awesome DJ, thank you! Hope to get a copy and read it soon. It’s a big issue with the folks I’m serving. Blessings!

  2. Matthew Majeika

    Looks like a great book! Can’t wait to read it soon.

  3. Thanks for this opp, DJ! This book addresses things which many struggle with in the work force.

  4. Keller is a great author and speaker. This will be a good book.

  5. I’d love a book DJ! It looks very promising.

  6. After reading Generous Justice and The Meaning of Marriage both this summer I am thrilled for this one to come out!

  7. I would love to win this book!

  8. My wife and I could benefit greatly from this book!

  9. Great opp to win a great book! Fun!

  10. This is a fantastic opportunity to win a book!

  11. Dr. Keller is my favorite author, and I am really stoked for this one. I would love a copy!

  12. Oh, I would love to read this book!

  13. I love Tim Keller’s books. Hearing him preach is great.

  14. Excited to read this! Feel like I have a lot to learn about the marriage of vocation and Christianity.

  15. Would love to read this! Always intrigued to learn more about how God can and does redeem vocations and callings.

  16. Michal White

    Would love to read/win this book!

  17. Would love to get a copy of this book. I recently read the prodigal god and it changed my view of that story forever

  18. Looks to be interesting and helpful with some questions and uncertainties in my life.

  19. Excited to read this book.

  20. Been wanting to read this one. Pick me! Pick me!

  21. Looking forward to reading the book!

  22. Love Tim Keller. Thanks for the chance.

  23. Looking forward to another great book from Tim Keller !

  24. I listened to a couple sermons by Tim Keller on this topic, and it was very challenging. Looking forward to reading the book

  25. DJ,
    I like the list of ways to work as a Christian. I recently listened to a sermon on the topic online from my daughter’s church. Living a virtuous work life is a difficult thing to do. It first requires a good heart, 2nd a good dose of courage and 3rd wisdom to no get side swiped. I think people are expecting just to have a good heart is good enough.


  26. Really looking forward to this book. Timely subject matter. Also DJ I think your “leave a comment” per entry thingy is not working properly, I had to add this comment manually instead of in the book promotion area…

    1. @Delvin, thanks for the heads up about rafflecopter not adding a comment within its little commenter window; glad you added a comment manually

  27. Heard Keller’s interview @ Author’s on the Line. Love this perspective as our family is going through vocational changes and challenges.

  28. This one is going to be good! Been looking forward to its release.

  29. Looking forward to Keller’s take on job, ministering to my staff and clients.

  30. Keller is my FAVORITE author. I don’t know of a more insightful Christian writer out there. Can’t wait to read the new work!

  31. Sounds like a great book. Keller is an amazing writer and pastor.

  32. Thanks for all the comments! I’m thrilled for this book in particular, because work is such a big part of all our awakened hours, and we need Godly wisdom there so desperately.

  33. Yes ease. I’d love a copy. Thank you!

  34. This sounds like an intriguing read!

  35. Many of those bullet-point answers seem good to me – now I am intrigued about what this book has to say!