It’s personal, oh so personal

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A leading influencer of our time, Seth Godin, can do it both, short-form blogging, long form articles, speeches, books. Knowing how to mix it up is just one more dimension of his success and influence. Yet he doesn’t go super short-form aka microblogging with twittering and facebooking. That’s to say you don’t have to use every social network that exists, or even the most popular ones.

What social media has opened up for all of us is that anyone and everyone has a voice that has the potential to be heard around the world instantly, globally, and even permanently. And, what it’s exacerbated the organzational and professional world that has had it’s hand forced to be more humanized and transparent, to be more personal about its services, products, initiatives, and endeavors. There are a few exceptions, like Apple or Target, but they’ve carved out other ways to be highly personable, high-touch for high-tech times.

Get personal. Come out of hiding. The line between professional life and personal life is being erased.


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