February is Fundraising. Every day. All month.

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Welcome to old friends and new visitors here to djchuang.com! You’ve come at an opportune time for my initiative called “February is Fundraising.”

I’m very grateful for the response to the OC Register article about next-gen multi-Asian churches, as Asian American churches are growing in creative ways to reach all peoples in Orange County, California, and beyond.

That article has also prompted me to step out in faith and commit more of my time and energy to serve this next generation as my full-time work. I’ll be fundraising for my staff position with Ambassador Network. I’ve never done this before in my life, so it is with mixed emotions, both faith and fear, to put myself out here.

For the entire month of February, I’ll be making a daily video update (powered by Google+ Hangout on Air.) This means it’ll be a live recording and you can watch in real-time or on-demand. It’s like reality TV but with no editing.

Unfortunately, my schedule is too erratic to set a consistent time for the livestream, but I am aiming to finish recording before 5:00pm (Pacific Time) each day. Follow me on Twitter @djchuang for when I go live on air. Submit your questions in a comment here, via email, or any of the social networks I’m on (use buttons on the upper right corner of this page).

As the saying goes, I’m “building the plane as it flies.” I’m building a topics list as I think about all the things I want to share with you — suggestions welcome! I’ll be talking about many things like: the need for this kind of work to plant new kinds of churches; what my work will look like when I say I will be working to strategize, coach, and resource multi-Asian and multi-ethnic churches; the Biblical reasons for fundraising, and what better way than to crowdsource it in the 21st century; tips and insights about professional fundraising from my 15+ years of experience working in the fundraising world, both in a large non-profit and in a private foundation; hear the back story of how the article came about; my history with Ambassador Bible Church (in Virginia) and how Ambassador Network was launched. Plus, I’m looking to have special guests join me on the Hangout.

And I’ll also give updates on how my fundraising is going, my goals and budgets and all that jazz. I want to be do fundraising in this way and be totally transparent, because accountability and financial responsibility is so very important. (I think you’d agree.) I love how Marin Foundation provides full disclosure and I want to do similarly.

It’ll be fun to connect with you in this way! I want to educate and share what I know, to help others working in cause-oriented non-profits to make the world a better place. I do hope you’ll join me to giving hope to 18+ million Asian Americans and 7+ billion people around the world. As we partner together, may many more churches flourish, the tribes thrive, and all peoples prosper!


3 responses to “February is Fundraising. Every day. All month.”

  1. honor to finally meet you, dj! thanks for serving so many pastors like me for so long. God bless in these endeavors!

    1. @drew, thanks for adding a comment, encouraged to hear from you. Drop me a line any time, I’m here to serve.