A Safe Place for Pastors to Talk Freely

Hello Pastors. You need personal support more than organizational support, because when you’re not well, productivity tips and consultants won’t get you to the finish line.

Who Can Be a Pastor to Pastors

There are a good number of ministries that care for your personal well-being and hotlines you could call to be supported, even if you’re a driven type-A alpha male kind of pastor or church leader. But you’re human. We all are. Those are compiled at mentalhealth.bible/care.

Maybe I Can Help by Listening

And here’s one more opportunity, one that I’d like to offer personally, to support and care for pastors via a free confidentially 30-minute listening session with me. I’m not a professional therapist or coach, so there is no upsell or obligation. You’ll be listened to empathetically and supportively, without judgment. Vet my network on Facebook and Linkedin if you don’t know me from Adam.

You as a pastor need a safe place to unload your burden and you don’t have to carry it alone. You don’t have to share with everybody but you do have to share it with somebody. Feel free to give me a call at 949-243-7260 or text or schedule a time.