A new kind of Christian lifestyle that’s less repulsive to people

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The reputation of Christians in mainstream culture, both in America and many parts of the world, is less than spectacular. The top 6 perceptions of Christians are (according to extensive research published in Unchristian by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons, via survey data of outsiders ages 16-29): antihomosexual, judgmental, hypocritical, sheltered (old-fashioned, out of touch with reality), too political, and proselytizers (insensitive to others, not genuine). That is bad news. That must change.

I talked with Dr. Paul Louis Metzger (twitter @paulouismetzger) about this topic and you can hear about his new book, Connecting Christ, that proposes a change of mindset, a new model of apologetics called relational-incarnational. And I asked him to respond about how to better relate with Mormons and Muslims, for which it is much needed in times like these. Watch the video >>

My review posted on amazon.com :: “Metzger introduces a new approach to Christian witness called the relational-incarnational apologetics. In an articulate academic yet personally sincere manner, the book engages eight notable faith traditions: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Unitarian Universalism, Mormonism, Atheism, and Neo-Paganism. The author carefully and sympatheically explains how people from different faiths hold their beliefs and values. When the Bible calls Christians to love our neighbors, that includes people of other religions because they too are created in the image of God. For the church to be more effective in a pluralistic world, this book helps church leaders to understand both our differences and our common humanity so that respectful conversations can open opportunities for friendship and evangelism.”


14 responses to “A new kind of Christian lifestyle that’s less repulsive to people”

  1. Thank you for sharing Paul’s great book, and allowing us to hear from the author. He sets forth a great approach that is desperately needed, one of civility without in compromise of our real differences. Paul and I work together to develop these ideas and practices through the Evangelical Chapter Foundation for Religious Diplomacy (www.religious-diplomacy.org/node/35). Your readers might find this ministry and approach of interest and an extension of what Paul Metzger is doing.

  2. twitter_fromeverlast

    a less repulsive, more biblical, Christianity? thanks @djchuang and @paullouismetzger

  3. Rick Cordell

    I’m most of the way through a careful read, with several things to highlight on each page. It just keeps getting better. Reads easy, but has real theological depth and lots of academic documentation. As a seminary graduate and former pastor, I find so much of it profoundly relevant both to a Biblical approach to Christian spirituality and to how to engage in effective dialogue with those outside the evangelical camp.