Month: December 2013

  • Mapping out a DC Christmas Tour 2013

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    Merry Christmas! What better way is there than to worship God in Jesus Christ during Christmas week? This year I’m in the metro Washington DC area with family; and it’s become a family tradition to worship at as many church services as possible during Christmas week. Here’s my working spreadsheet, as I prepare my itinerary.…

  • 87 podcasts subscribed to by the insanely curious

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    I’m sitting here minding my own business, actually trying to do some work, and my friend Brent Wong (@EpicBdub) asks me about what podcasts I listen to. He also asked how to get more Twitter followers, and I don’t have a good answer, other than to ask you to consider following him: use Follow @EpicBdub.…

  • Time to reboot the company business model and collaborate with the crowd

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    A new entity called Crowd Companies launched today and what an exciting new future that it’s creating! Kudos to Jeremiah Owyang for taking this bold leap of faith with courage and conviction to reboot the business model of companies and corporations. The one slide from his Le Web 13 presentation that vividly portrays this transformation…

  • Looking for more Asian American Christian voices

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    Listening to the podcast and this quote echoed out to me, “You don’t know your voice until you use it…” (Jon Acuff).. and with recent activities I’ve been thinking on how the perception of Asian Americans have been shaped by stereotypes perpetuated by traditional and mainstream media. (I’m tempted to call this controlled media…

  • a book reaction to Resisting Grace by Jon Ido Warden

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    I was delighted to meet Jon Ido Warden earlier this year and receive a review copy of his self-published book, “Resisting Grace: Our Avoidance and His Persistence.” I confess that I have only read one-third of it, so what I can write is a book reaction and a first impression of the book overall, so…