Month: October 2011

  • Being First on Twitter in the OC

    Thanks to ksablan (Kevin Sablan) for noticing my earliest adoption of Twitter. (Granted, back in July 2006 when I signed up for Twitter, I was a resident in the metro DC area and not in the OC, I have lived in the OC since July 2007.) See the top 100 list of who “joined twitter…

  • From Social Media Potential to Mastery

    These are my slides from my breakout session at Sticky Teams 2.0 Oct 24-25. Thanks to North Coast Training Network for hosting this incredible conference for like 750+ church leaders and inviting me to be a part of it! And, I’ll be adding other links and websites mentioned in the breakout here. Mark Driscoll,…

  • Asian American Christian faith matters

    Asian American Christian faith matters

    A handful of events and networks have crossed my radar recently that cultivate dialogue around the contextualizing of Christian faith for/with/by Asian Americans. October 15th / 22nd @ Dallas / Houston Legacy Dialogue 2011: Trust Factor – how to build trust between two generations in ministry – the future of next generation English ministry in…

  • Popular Churches in the OC and Southern California

    Popular Churches in the OC and Southern California

    A list of megachurches in Orange County and Southern California where thousands and thousands of people attend church, listed in no particular order. People vote with their feet, you might say, though that’s 50% of church attenders – 50% of churchgoers attend churches over 350 in size. [cf. Top 10 Largest Churches in the OC; use this…

  • the genius of Steve Jobs and his gift to us

    The timing of Steve Jobs’ death hit the news cycle last night and will be the topic of conversation for days and weeks to come. While it leaves many of us speechless, and there’s not enough words to convey all that his life has meant to humanity, that doesn’t mean we should stay silent and…

  • Performance. Skills. Salary. Excellence.

    Some people get paid to do what they’re great at doing, some don’t. Getting paid doesn’t mean the best performance. The thing can be whatever: singing, speaking, teaching, blogging, marketing, managing, etc. Here’s the random thing I’m thinking about this Saturday. How does excellence in performace stack up against one’s skills and paid status? I…