Tag: naive

  • 4 More Things for Naïve Pastors to Know

    4 More Things for Naïve Pastors to Know

    Good Bible teaching and right theology alone will not get pastors prepared for a lifetime of fruitful ministry. That textbook knowledge has to be translated and developed into skillful practices, wise insights through healthily-processed life experiences, and gracious humility for all human kind. One research showed that most pastors and clergy don’t last in ministry…

  • Naive pastors and the unexpected pain of pastoring

    Naive pastors and the unexpected pain of pastoring

    The Bible talks on several occasions about suffering. And you don’t have to be a Christian, or even a spiritual person, to know that the world has too much suffering for inexplicable reasons. But, what do you do with that reality? Some teach that one should detach from suffering but that could become confused and…

  • Naive pastors don’t know psychology and sociology

    Naive pastors don’t know psychology and sociology

    Pastoring and leading is primarily about people. It’s not only about people. It is so much more. And as much as we study the Bible or go thru years of seminary training, to prepare for Gospel ministry, that’s not the half of it. The Bible is Not Enough I was naïve enough to think that…

  • Naive Pastors Don’t Understand Power

    Naive Pastors Don’t Understand Power

    I’d like to believe that a majority of people go into pastoral ministry with sincerity to help people and good intentions. Many of them with a sense of calling from God as far as they understand. The reality with pastoring involves a ton more than sincerity. Seminary doesn’t prepare you for it. Even life itself…

  • Naive Pastors, Here is How Leadership Really Works

    Naive Pastors, Here is How Leadership Really Works

    I’ve been stewing on this topic in recent months, especially when it’s surfaced in my conversations with pastors and church leaders. The topic revolves around the dissonance between what’s taught about leadership versus what it actually takes to become a better leader. I’ve heard many accomplished pastors, those who write the books and talk about…