I started working on a side project last September in a low-profile manner. I’m in process of writing a book that will be titled “MultiAsian.Church“— the title is set as is the website. And I’m writing this book with an open process, so you can follow its progress, read early drafts, and pitch in with honest feedback at multiasian.church.
This idea has its origins dating back to 2007, when I first noticed a growing number of next-generation Asian American church plants. I had started compiling a collaborative wiki with a listing of autonomous English-speaking churches consisting of at least 25% Asian Americans, whether pan-Asian, multi-Asian, multi-ethnic, or multi-cultural. Since that time, this listing has grown faster than I could have imagined and I’ve continued to track its development. And, I’ve also been given a number of opportunities to present my findings and learnings at seminars and workshops as well as being featured in an OC Register article.
Now I have this opportunity to share what I’ve learned over the past decade in a different format—a book. This book will explain the phenomena that I’ve dubbed, “next-generation multi-Asian churches” and this chart illustrates this visually:
My first wish was to complete the first version by April 2016, to complete the first version of the book in time for launching at Exponential East in Orlando. But that’s not going to happen. To be clear, the conference is happening, it’s actually sold out and I’ll be there for a workshop, but the book isn’t complete. I did get several chapters written, but no wheres near completion.
As a personal project, this book is being written as I find discretionary time, energy, inspiration, and motivation. I’m anticipating that it will be a self-published book and made available in digital format (of course) and in print via print-on-demand technology. So, the target date is not yet set, so there’s no hard deadline. (I confess that neither a deadline nor a goal motivates me. And I don’t want to be motivated by fear.)
I’d most appreciate your enthusiastic encouragement in 2 ways: (1) subscribe to updates, (2) add your feedback.
Next target date I’m trying for is October 2016, when Exponential West is scheduled.
One response to “Starting to Write a Book about Multi-Asian Churches”
Cool! Look forward to it!