sample church weekly email newsletter

Subject: Weekly e-blast Oct 31 14


It’s Daylight Savings this weekend! So, set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night and enjoy that extra hour of sleep!

We’ll continue with our series, Allegiance! Invite a friend and join us this weekend!

Website is Under Construction
Currently, our CHURCH website is under construction. If you have any questions on how to do your online giving or need more info please email [email protected]. Thank you for your patience as we build a brand new site!

Thursday Prayer Nights
Thursday Prayer Nights are on break in this season as we are re-envisioning and planning for the future of the ministry. For any prayer requests and requests to receive individual prayer, contact JANE at [email protected].

Trunk or Treat – Oct 31
This year ACT is hosting a Trunk or Treat on October 31 from 6-8pm and we’ve decided to be a part of it! It’ll be an exciting night as several local churches come together to love on the city of ANYTOWN. For more info visit Any further questions please contact ACT at [email protected].

Night of Worship – Nov 7
Come join us on Friday, November 7 at 7:30pm for a night of worship to simply spend time with God and our community in worship and prayer! It will be at the 601 MAIN ST. Childcare will be provided. Please RSVP to JANE at [email protected] by November 2.

Infant Baptism and Dedication – Nov 9
We will be having Infant Baptism/Dedication on Sunday November 9. There will be a mandatory class for parents during 2nd service on November 2nd. If you are interested in having your child dedicated or baptized, please email Children’s Pastor JUNE at [email protected] to sign and receive an application. Application deadline is October 30th.

Connections Dinner – Nov 16
We’ve designed a really great way to check us out, learn more about CHURCH and to meet several members of our staff, called “Connections.” This introduction to CHURCH gives us the opportunity to meet you and share the history, vision and values of our unique church community, our mission and what we’re passionate about and how you can participate in the life of CHURCH . Connections lasts for around 2 hours and always includes GREAT food! The next Connections Dinner is coming up on November 16 at 6:30PM. RSVP to JON at [email protected] for location.

Revive Women’s Ministry – Nov 20
Calling all women of college age or up. Our next Revive Women’s Ministry (RWM) will be on November 20th, Thursday, 7pm at The CHURCH office, 601 MAIN ST . At our last RWM meeting, JANE shared on the topic of reconciliation and forgiveness and how God works in her own journey to make the mends with important people in her life. Please join us for another night of gathering with other women as we worship, share and fellowship together. Our guest speaker, JUNE, will be sharing on the topic of control and what lessons God taught her about relinquishing control to Himself. We look forward to see you there! Please RSVP by 11/17/14 HERE. Potluck sign up can be found HERE. Questions? Email [email protected].

Thanksgiving Family Service – Nov 23
Come join us for our Thanksgiving Family Service on November 23 at 10:30am for ONE service at 601 MAIN ST. It’s going to be family time as we gather together for a time of worship with everyone! We will also be having a Thanksgiving Chili Cook Off for lunch. If you or your life group is interested in participating in the cook off contact JOE at [email protected].