sample church survey email

CHURCH Community Survey | You may win an iPad Mini!

We want to hear from you! As a current or former member of the CHURCH Community, we would love the opportunity to learn from your experiences and time in our church so we can be more responsive in understanding your needs. As we grow and expand our church, it is important to our future health that we are in a two-way conversation with you, where we can hear you, know you, and receive your feedback. Your input is important to us.

We know your time is valuable. As a way to say thanks for your time, we want to give you a gift. After completing the survey, we will send you a download link for a Best of CHURCH Worship album, as well as an entry to win an iPad mini.

You will also have the option to be removed from the email list or join our CHURCH Insights Team, a group of people we reach out to regularly for feedback. We want you to know that your information will be kept separate from your survey responses and all survey responses are anonymous.

The survey should take about 10 minutes of your time. To complete the survey, click here

Your Friends at CHURCH