Remembering Bob Chih-Pao Chuang

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This past week has been a hard time for my family (of origin) with the passing of my Dad. We’re grateful for the kindness of prayer, comfort, and condolences already expressed and received during the past week. This time has been sad and hard, yet healing and bonding, even transformative for me. And I personally thank you, my online friends and acquaintances, for being a part of my life over the past 12 years.

My brother Deef and I hosted an online event to share about Dad’s life and legacy, as well as offer a glimpse into caregiving for my Dad during the past 2.5 years. You can watch the recorded video. Also, see the memorial page for more.

莊 志 寶
In loving memory of Bob Chih-Pao Chuang

Bob Chih-Pao Chuang, 84, passed peacefully on Wednesday, May 18th, 2011, in Rockville, Maryland, after two and a half years of declining health following a stroke. He is survived by his wife Wei, three sons, Difei, Dicheng, and Difan, and one grandson Jeremiah. He was born in Fujian, China, and graduated in economics from Chengchi University.

In 1949, he moved to Taiwan, where he was an accomplished math teacher, journalist, and entrepreneur. Since coming to the United States in 1972, he owned and operated small businesses in Bethesda, Maryland, and Winchester, Virginia.

He was exemplary in demonstrating love for his family through diligent work, an honorable champion of truth and goodness, and esteemed genuine friendships with loyalty and generosity. A private memorial service was held to honor his life and legacy.

On Sunday, May 22nd, 2011, a private Memorial Service was held at their home in Rockville, Maryland, attended by close friends of the family.


13 responses to “Remembering Bob Chih-Pao Chuang”

  1. DJ, so sorry I cannot be with you tomorrow night due to a family commitment here in Atlanta but I look forward to watching and listening to the family story on this web page you sent me.

  2. lianxiaoli


    1. lianxiaoli

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  3. lianxiaoli

    视频链接,连接不了,能否发个到邮箱。 连

  4. Very sorry for your loss; my condolences to you and your family.

  5. Dr. Daniel L. Wong

    May you and your family receive the Lord’s comfort. We spoke earlier about my father’s passing last summer.

  6. Jon Hori

    So sorry to hear of your loss. Will be praying for you and your family. See you in a few weeks. Can talk more then.