As the Census 2010 numbers are being crunched, our growing population makes for all the more opportunities for serving real needs of real people. And for the 17.3 million Asian Americans, who are comparatively the most educated and the most wealthy, that means a ton of raw potential for doing good and making a difference for multicultural American society and for a multinational global village.
I shared this short presentation with the AFC CMC 2013 planning committee. [tech note: I’m loving the new iPad app Bamboo Paper, free ’til 6/30]
CMC 2011 (Chinese Mission Convention 2011 West Coast) challenges Chinese and Asian Americans to fulfilling the Great Commission aka world evangelization, or as I prefer saying, being missional everywhere. This December 27-39 2011 in San Diego is CMC 2011, where the very popular Christian author Francis Chan is the main plenary speaker. Francis is now blogging at and with wife just had 5th child! Congratulations Father Francis!References mentioned in presentation:
- – Institute for the Study of Asian American Christianity
- – Mosaix Global Network
- Census 2010 Facts for Figures for Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
- Asian American Churches: an Introductory Survey (March 2007) published by L2 Foundation / Leadership Network
- Estimated Number of Asian American Churches
- Multi-Asian Church Podcast Series – conversation with DJ Chuang and Ed Choy
- Asian American resources at
- list of the largest Chinese churches in North America
- Asian American Religious Leadership Today: A Preliminary Inquiry by Timothy Tseng, et al, published by Pulpit & Pew Research on Pastoral Leadership
- Asian American Christianity Reader – 352 pages of an interdisciplinary collection of articles about Asian American Christianity
- 5 Cries of Asian American Christian Young Adults by Timothy Tseng
- A Faith Of Our Own: Second-Generation Spirituality in Korean American Churches by Sharon Kim
6 responses to “potential and opportunities: next gen Asian Americans”
Great work DJ. This is excellent!! Do you have your talk recorded?
Daniel, thanks for the kind words. I did not record the presentation, but I am considering having a livestream or webinar to share this interactively with an online audience – if I get a handful of other comments & requests, I’ll find a date/time and do it, ok?