How to transfer phone number away from Straight Talk

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This article explains plain and simple what is required to authenticate the transfer when on the BYOP—bring your own phone—plan on Straight Talk. I have an unlocked iPhone SE, original version.

Bottom line: the new provider needs to make a port transfer request with the Straight Talk account number and a security PIN that is 4-digits only.

You have to contact Straight Talk customer support by live chat or phone to get the account number. You cannot look it up via login on website.

And you may need this too: a Straight Talk Portability Specialist can be reached at 1-800-327-2077. Representatives are available Monday – Sunday from 8:00 AM to 11:45 PM EST. (Straight Talk is operated by TracFone. Another message board noted this number for the Straight Talk Port Center: 800-346-6895)

What I Had to Endure

I’ll spare you the lengthy chat transcripts. Here’s a summary. It took 11 days of tedious contacting customer support via live chat and phone almost every day trying to get my cell phone number port transferred from Straight Talk to Yahoo Mobile.

Different agents provided different information for what was required. I’ve finally discovered what the actual info that the old provider required.

One agent said the account number was the serial number of your phone, which is also known as the IMEI/MEID DEC. Another agent had a different account number for my Straight Talk account. An agent at the new provider thought I needed to provide the SIM id number from the old provider—good thing I didn’t throw it away; almost did.

The problem that was discovered, at the last hour of my service contract expiring, was this agent said my security PIN had to be 4-digits only, not 5-digits like it was set to. ARRRGHH! Why couldn’t any of the other agents say so? 

And do you know why my security PIN was 5 digits? Straight Talk’s Login Information screen says to use a 5-digit security PIN!!!!! Surprise?!

I hope you have a better experience transferring away from Straight Talk. Yeah, I know, first world problems. All this effort to save $35 on the old contract, and to save $6/month with the new provider. Sigh.