.GURU domains are most popular; early websites go live

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The Internet namespace expansion is history in the making, with an estimated 1000+ new generic top-level domains (gTLD) launching in the next 2 years. At the time of this writing, there’s 14 new gTLDs (aka domain extensions) are publicly available and the most popular is the .GURU suffix, with over 30,000 .GURU domains registered to date. Domains in the .guru family that have already been registered by Apple and pointed to the company’s name servers include http://apple.guru http://iphone.guru http://ipad.guru http://mac.guru – if any company could reshape the Internet world, as it already has with all things digital, it’s Apple.

While 10k+ .GURU domains have been registered, there aren’t many that are live yet, and many (most?) were registered by people that make money buying and selling domain names. Here’s a list of websites with a .GURU domain name already running (that I could find)::

Generated by WebThumbnail.org Generated by WebThumbnail.org
Generated by WebThumbnail.org Generated by WebThumbnail.org

The name game: New web domain names hit the market explained this Internet expansion program well (Economist 2/08/14):

AFTER the dotcom boom of the 1990s, the world is about to experience a boom in dots. Over 1,000 new generic top-level domain names (gTLDs) are set to join the 22 existing ones, such as .com and .org, and the 280 country-specific ones, such as .uk, that now grace the end of web addresses. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the non-profit organisation that manages the web’s address book, reckons this will boost competition and innovation. It will also increase the cost to businesses of protecting their brands. [emphasis added]

And, I would add, that it will make web addresses more meaningful and shorter, in the long-run, though it’ll stir up a little confusion in the short-term as people adjust to the changes in technology, but that’s how life is in the digital age, change is always coming, and sometimes disruptive, fast, and furious.

This post is part of a blog series tagged gTLDAlso see this list of .BIKE domain sites and .CLOTHING websites

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6 responses to “.GURU domains are most popular; early websites go live”

  1. Since this 2/12 news release, New Dots Web Domain Expansion Awareness Website TheNewDots.org Launched, that website changes its domain to http://newdots.guru/ – was TheNewDots.org

  2. I was wondering how you find the websites that are using these new names? Can you give us a hint?

    1. Hi Dan, are you the only one that wants to know? 🙂 I don’t mind sharing how I do it, if I think it’d be helpful to more people out there.. (Hint: people that want to know can add a comment here to weigh in, and tip the scale)

      1. Hi djchuang, I think other people would be interested in how it’s done. Well I figured it out, just type in * site:.photography into Google and that is how you get the results. BTW I can’t wait for the .Bible to come out, has it been submitted and approved yet?

      2. @Dan, bingo you got it! That’s how I was doing it, and had to do a lot of filtering through parked pages and placeholder content to find the ones that were real active websites. The .BIBLE gTLD has passed evaluation and is approaching contracting – subscribe to the free email newsletter at http://BibleTLD.org to get updates when we do have dates to its launch. And, please do pre-register domains you’re interested in to help our team better serve the community.