
This is an archive of talks and/or sermons by DJ Chuang. These days I’m giving more presentations than sermons. For current list of talks & presentations, see my CV page.

Comfort for the Uncomfortableness with Mental Health (November 2023, Rockville, MD)

Living well with depression and anxiety (November 2019, Torrance, CA)

When my best day turned into my worst one & My mental health journey in 2017

Where is God when good people hurt? (June 2013, Austin, TX)

The Father You’ve Always Wanted (6/28/09, Vietnamese Alliance Church, Midway City, CA)

Ministering to next generation Asian Americans (6/3/09, English pastors luncheon hosted by FACE)

Reaching 2nd generation Vietnamese Americans (2/20/08, Vietnamese C&MA pastors conference)

How churches are reaching Asian Americans (1/12/08, ISAAC Bay area Chinese Churches Consultation)

Connecting with Culture (1/10/08, Render Conference)

Revitalizing Asian American Churches (9/07, a gathering hosted by Asian American Leadership Conference via MESA)

Why does it hurt so much? (John 11:17-36) – sermon on Virginia Tech tragedy

how to do ministry without losing heart (manuscript only)

Just Walk Across the Room: Grander Vision Living

Doing Work You Love (workshop notes)

having the time of your life (Psalm 90:10-12)

2005 Summer Retreat (with ACC Lighthouse)

  • Extreme Makeover: Renovation of the Heart

  • The Rebuild: Habits of grace

  • The Reveal: The life you were meant to live

  • Fully Alive: Telling Stories

  • Following Jesus = Becoming a Leader (TYF 09/25/04)