Tag: search

  • How to search blogs with Google Blog Search gone?

    Even though blogsearch.google.com no longer works, there is a way to search blogs using Google’s amazing cloud computing powered search engine. To search blogs that are crawled by Google, go to http://google.com/search?tbm=blg [ht: netforlawyers.com] At the time of this post, it’s looking like the line between website homepages and blog postgs is overlapping and blurred.…

  • unblink launching: starting with the why

    The internet is changing. In case you didn’t know it. Most people don’t. That’s okay. The namespace is getting 100s of new domain extensions, like the one used here at unb.link and as the dust settles and more websites and blogs use this, a lot of things will change. Where it goes, nobody knows for…