Tag: donation

  • How to Receive Online Donations without Fees

    How to Receive Online Donations without Fees

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    For smaller nonprofits, charities, churches, and ministries that are working hard to minimize any overhead, even a small percentage for transaction fees are perceived as a barrier to using an online donation platform. For example, when a donor gives $100 online, your nonprofit gets $96.80 or less. Although, there is ample data and evidence to…

  • Mobile Giving and Online Giving for Churches

    Mobile Giving and Online Giving for Churches

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    Question> I help oversee our finances at our church and we’re considering online giving as an option. I know–getting into the 21st century finally! I recognize there are transaction fees associated with credit card donations, and one of our worries is that existing donors (by check) will move their donations to credit card, and the church…