Richard Greene is a speaker himself, and known for his expertise about public speaking and delivering great speeches, author of “Words That Shook The World: 100 Years of Unforgettable Speeches and Events“.
Tried to find more info about him on the web —
The 7 secrets of the greatest speakers in history | Richard Greene | TEDxOrangeCoast (November 2014) – “The 5 Secrets is a breakthrough how-to video revealing the communication skills that took President Barack Obama, in a mere four years, from a little-known Illinois state senator to become the President of the United States.”
Obama – How Did He Do It?
The 5 Secrets
Using sensory specific words
Richard Greene on FBN
Hear from the “Master of Charisma,” Richard Greene, who will present at HRMAC’s SUMMIT 2012 on November 8, 2012 – a brief interview on a webinar