Google AdSense is empowering people to do all kinds of monetizing of their websites, even here. But, it’s also generating a whole cottage industry of people trying to push pre-generated content so that the Google crawler will find those content sites and push AdSense ads along side of the content. While I prefer fresh and relevant content, I know there are people who are online to make money – to contrast with my primary motivation which is to provide information and to build relationships.
Some AdSense tips to check out – without having to pay $50, $100, or more for some report or course:
- Inside AdSense blog (from Google staff)
- JenSense – makes sense of contextual advertising
- How to boost your AdSense revenue
- About Google AdSense: the first website totally dedicated to helping you get the most out of Google’s new AdSense program
- Wikipedia‘s tempered entry about AdSense
- Google AdSense Sandbox Tool – put in a URL and it will show a sample of AdSense text ads based on content at that URL
-’s posts in the AdSense category – ProBlogger makes over 6-figures blogging
- MarketingSyndrome: helping niche marketers earn real money
- AdSense Tips and Tricks
- Get money online with your website traffic and affiliates
- ZillionBits: about numbers and technology – blog marketing tips and make money online
- Joel Osborne’s Internet Marketing blog
- 15 Common Mistakes by Google Adsense Publishers that Violate Terms of Service from the Google AdSense Secrets blog
- Google Adsense Secret Tips & Optimization Tricks
- AdSense Money: tips on how to earn more with PPC ads by Google; CPC – click per hundred
- contextual ads and blogs: can money be made?
- links tagged with AdSense
Some thoughts and opinions on AdSense:
- from Joel on Software – “Google is actually hurt by the long tail world of millions of small sites…”
- warns – “There are plenty of people out there selling Adsense websites as well other people selling top paying keyword lists.” And then proceeds to sell a package that “can make a handsome income from Adsense if you know the right words, how to target them, and how to design a highly optimized site around them.”
The only current book on Search Engine Optimization is SEO Book. Aaron Wall also keeps a very active blog on
search engines, search engine optimization tips, his SEO ebook for sale, and search engine news.
But, there is more to Internet marketing than AdSense. Here’s a couple of outstanding blogs about it:
- Graywolf’s SEO blog
- SEOmoz: search engine optimization resource created to benefit the entire SEO community – Free, open & content-rich!
- My Blogging Tips
- – internet marketing news and tips