
2 gigantic Christian conferences are scheduled this Winter break 2012-2013, ramping up for tens of thousands of college students converging from everywhere. 1 is called Urbana 12. 1 is called Passion 2013. Here’s the data on these 2 Christian mega-conferences, a side-by-side comparison to sort things out some ::

Urbana 12

Passion 2013
datesDecember 27-31, 2012January 1-4, 2013
locationAmerica’s Center Convention Complex @ St. Louis, MissouriGeorgia Dome @ Atlanta, Georgia
cost $449 students 17-29 years old /
$549 non-students
($50 off before 11/12)
 $219 students 18-25 years old
($20 off before 12/1)
size 18,000 71,000
speakersCalisto Odede
Geri Rodman
Ziel Machado
Chai Ling
David Platt
Daniel Bourdanné
Ram Sridharan
Sandra Van Opstal
Terry LeBlanc
Tom Lin
Louie Giglio
Chris Tomlin
Francis Chan
Kristian Stanfill
Beth Moore
Matt Redman
John Piper
Christy Nockels
Charlie Hall
exhibitors 250+ 0
organizersInterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of Canada, and Groupes Bilbiques Universitaires et Collégiaux du CanadaPassion Conferences / Choice Ministries, Inc. / 268 Generation / sixstepsrecords
started in 1946 1997
purposeUrbana 12’s mission is to compel this generation to give their whole lives for God’s global mission.Passion exists to glorify God by uniting students in worship, prayer and justice for spiritual awakening in this generation
distinctivesOver 250 missions agencies, working in over 150 countries will exhibit… choose from over 200 seminars… Urbana is geared for college students and anyone age 17-29, though anyone over 17 is welcome to attend…” “exposure to global issues and realities; multicultural worship, dance and drama; specialized tracks on issues such as leadership, poverty and justice, and international ministryAttendees at Passion 2012 participated in a campaign, 72 Days For Freedom, raising more than $3.5 Million to fight modern day slavery and human trafficking

Both Urbana and Passion have changed thousands of lives throughout their respective big events. Both Urbana 12 and Passion 2013 will undoubtedly be powerful experiences that will spiritually inspire its eager attendees, the next generation seeking to discern God’s will in their lives.

Decision-making is never easy. You could opt-out, and miss out. How will you choose?