OMS 2020

References and resources from the OMS Holiness Pastors Retreat, February 10-13, 2020, at Mt. Hermon

Talk notes from Session 1: Past History (Tues Morning)

Talk notes from Session 2: Present (Tues Evening)

Talk notes from Session 3: Future (Wed Morning)

[book] MultiAsian.Church: A Future for Asian Americans in a Multiethnic World (in print + digital [download free with code OMS2020]

List of Next Generation Multi-Asian Churches

Thirty.Network – advancing the leadership of Asian American pastors and church leaders in a multiethnic world

[book] Coming Revolution in Church Economics by Mark DeYmaz

Linda Bergquist, Strategist with Bay Area Church Planting, Church Planting Catalyst for NAMB and SEND Institute; co-author of Church Turned Inside Out: A Guide for Designers, Refiners and Re-Aligners.

Standing Stone Ministry – caring for pastors & shepherding shepherds

StoryCorps‘ mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world

about leadership successions & transitions

Next: Pastoral Succession that Works by William Vanderbloemen and Warren Bird

Passing the Leadership Baton: A Winning Transition Plan for Your Ministry by Tom Dale Mullins

Transformational Transitions (from Evergreen Baptist Church, San Gabriel Valley)

Contact Info

DJ Chuang
[email protected] | 949-243-7260 | @djchuang