Chinese health concerns, like depression and anxiety

Chinese and Asian Americans have health concerns, because the most important thing in life is being healthy and being reasonably happy in an imperfect world. Without health, one’s quality of life can be unbearable and push some people towards desperation and tragic consequences, the worst of which is suicide, for this reason a good depression treatment is very important to avoid this.

As someone who is Chinese American myself, I personally know first hand the challenges of living with a mental illness that is kind of invisible, something that cannot be scientifically or medically measured in the same fashion as other diseases.

The topic of mental health has been very difficult to talk about, and as a result, it is not talked about, except on rare occasions. Because it’s not talked about, people suffer needlessly. Because it’s so hard to talk about, the answer is to begin talking about it more, not less, so we can start making some progress in understanding mental and emotional health as a vital part of our overall well-being, increase our quality of life, so we’re not merely surviving for a mere existence, but enjoy more flourishing and thriving.

A few months ago, I had an opportunity to share from my personal experiences with finding healing and strength to living healthy while managing my depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. The event was hosted by Bread of Life Church in Torrance, California. You can watch the videos here:

Talk with Someone about Depression or Anxiety

I hope these videos are helpful; feel free to contact me to talk with a real person who isn’t a doctor and will not charge you to talk with him.