Category: journal

  • how can people change and grow?

    Change is possible. Absolutely. But not totally. And, personal change doesn’t happen alone. People can change for the better. No one is stuck. They aren’t just the way they are. I believe and I have hope. Essentially 2 questions determine someone’s possibility of changing and becoming a better person. 1. Does the person want to…

  • top 15 most popular varieties of apples

    top 15 most popular varieties of apples

    Strolling through a grocery store recently, I noticed a dozen kind of apples on sale. (see video) Some names I had seen before, some I haven’t. Some I’ve tasted, but I can’t remember which is which. So here’s my quest to learn more about apples. Would you believe there are about 2,500 known varieties of…

  • Remembering Bob Chih-Pao Chuang

    This past week has been a hard time for my family (of origin) with the passing of my Dad. We’re grateful for the kindness of prayer, comfort, and condolences already expressed and received during the past week. This time has been sad and hard, yet healing and bonding, even transformative for me. And I personally…

  • Chick-Fil-A please add cream to my coffee

    Heard a most inspiring and insightful talk from Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy at Imagination Summit, at Biola University. Inspired me in many ways, including getting my breakfast at CFA Irvine Marketplace. Heard that 90% of their breakfast sales come thru the drive-thru, just doing my part. This morning, I ordered the #4 combo. I asked…

  • The best work I can do and love

    Experimenting. Exploring. Ideating (brainstorming). Strategizing. These are the things I love doing and am great at doing. If you (or someone you know) would like my services in any of these areas, please do contact me so we can discuss how I could be of valuable help. Now, the back story. Much of my life…

  • Anyone Can Publish

    You’ve got a voice. You can publish. Anyone can publish. Having said that, this doesn’t mean everyone should publish. What I am saying is that more of us should publish. Posting something online no longer has to be only for business purposes. Set the plaguing questions aside and don’t worry about what to write or…

  • new perspectives about Bible reading

    What it all comes down to, is choosing to remember and choosing to do it. Bible reading. Just do it. And it’s a choice and decision every time. The choices we make determine the people we become. As this new year of 2011 gets into full swing, I hear this talk from someone who’s read…

  • 1999 blog posts moved

    To make more space available on this web server, and for the content to have longevity beyond the paid web hosting here, old blog posts from 1999 have migrated to

  • rollin’ rollin’ rolling

    rollin’ rollin’ rolling

    we pronounced the car DOA after taking it to the a local mechanic in Lexington, and they saw oil mixed with coolant in the engine, and potentially the engine block, head gasket, pistons, and other things may have been damaged by the overheating, and it was $750 just to open the engine up to start…

  • road trip gone wrong

    road trip gone wrong

    Unbelievable turn of events.. here we are, on the road from northern Virginia to Lexington Kentucky, to attend a pastor’s conference, and we’re on our way, over the mountains of West Virginia, and it was a little too much for my ol’ 1990 Mitsubishi Mirage. It started with an explosion of smoke inside of the…

  • go west young man

    And in just a few minutes, we’ll (my church’s pastoral staff, of which I am a part) be embarking on a trip to Kentucky, for our denomination’s annual national conference. It’s about a 9-hour drive each way, and we’ll be going through West Virginia.. I get the feeling that the “free church” as it is…

  • an online journey

    I don’t know how they do it, but here’s how I’m going to do it 🙂 There is a slow growth in the number of personal web pages, most of them big on the cheeze factor, but some of them are very cool, borderline on eye candy status. One of the interesting features is personal…