Asian American Sermons on Shame

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What a shame that we can’t talk about our pains. It’s hard for anyone from whatever ethnic background to talk about their weaknesses and pains, it’s especially hard for Asians and Asian Americans. And, sadly it’s not talked about in churches, where it is the one place to be safe for pouring out our pain and shame before a loving and healing God, who has indeed taken away our shame in Jesus Christ.

The Bible actually has more to say about shame than about guilt; did you know that?

This is a small collection of sermons and talks that teach what the Bible has to say about shame and how we can find freedom and healing from the darkest secrets that are literally killing people. So help us God. Lord have mercy.

You can rate each of the talks by clicking on the little star under each entry. Plus, you’re invited to add to this list by clicking on the (+) button on the lower right corner. Thanks in advance for adding to this collection!

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