Increasing numbers of books are being published by Asian American Christians, spanning beyond Christian books that talk about theology, spirituality, or church leadership. There are also valuable books for a general public audience that happen to be written by Asian Americans who identify as Christians. (this is listed in no particular order; and I started to compile this list, inspired by May 2023 month for Asian Americans and mental health, when 3 new books were released, with author interviews on the Erasing Shame podcast.) Here’s the books I’ve found so far / please add more:
Non-Fiction Books by Asian American Christians
- Asian American Identities, Relationships, and Post-Migration Legacies: Reflections from Marriage and Family Therapists, edited by Jessica ChenFeng, Lana Kim
- Mamie Takes a Stand: The True Story of Mamie Tape, a Chinese American Girl’s Fight for School Rights by Marie Chan
- The Shape of My Eyes: A Memoir of Race, Faith, and Finding Myself by Dave Gibbons
- Leadership Toolkit for Asians: The Definitive Resource Guide for Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling by Jane Hyun and Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling: Career Strategies for Asians
- How K-Dramas Can Transform Your Life: Powerful Lessons on Belongingness, Healing, and Mental Health and A is for Authentic: Not for Anxieties or for Straight A’s by Jeanie Y. Chang
- Take Back Your Power: 10 New Rules for Women at Work by Deborah Liu
- As Long as You Need: Permission to Grieve and The Voices We Carry: Finding Your One True Voice in a World of Clamor and Noise by J. S. Park
- Untigering: Peaceful Parenting for the Deconstructing Tiger Parent by Iris Chen
- The Minority Experience: Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities by Adrian Pei
- Good Idea. Now What? by Charles T. Lee
- Opening the Gates to Asia by Jane H. Hong
- Slanted Eyes: The Asian-American Poetic Experience by Sam Louie
- But I Don’t See You as Asian: Curating Conversations About Race by Bruce Reyes-Chow (also In Defense of Kindness: Why It Matters, How It Changes Our Lives, and How It Can Save the World)
- Start, Love, Repeat: How to Stay in Love with Your Entrepreneur in a Crazy Start-up World by Dorcas Cheng-Tozun
- The Shame Myth: 7 Steps to Advance in Your Career, Relationships, and Purpose by Eddie H. Park and Hyo Kim
- Reel Inequality: Hollywood Actors and Racism by Nancy Wang Yuen
- Courage: The Backbone of Leadership by Gus Lee
Fiction Books by Asian American Christians
- Loveboat, Taipei by Abigal Hing Wen (and also Loveboat Reunion + Loveboat Forever + Kisses, Codes, and Conspiracies) – New York Times bestselling author
- Sushi for One? by Camy Tang (Christian romance, suspense, and mystery) – USA Today bestselling author
- The Red Palace by June Hur (The Silence of Bones and more)
- American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang (and also Boxers & Saints and more)
- Love Letters by Lily P. McLaughlin
- When We Were Infinite by Kelly Loy Gilbert (and more)
- The Downstairs Girl by Stacey Lee (and more) – bestselling author of historical and contemporary young adult fiction
Books on Christian living, spirituality, or theology by Asian Americans
- Undivided: The Quest for Racial Solidarity in an American Church by Hahrie Han
- Beyond Ethnic Loneliness: The Pain of Marginalization and the Path to Belonging by Prasanta Verma
- Peace over Perfection: Enjoying a Good God when You Feel You’re Never Enough by Faith Chang
- Shame: Being Known and Loved by Esther Liu
- The Anxiety Opportunity: How Worry Is the Doorway to Your Best Self by Curtis Chang
- Now I Become Myself: How Deep Grace Heals Our Shame and Restores Our True Self by Ken Shigematsu (also Survival Guide for the Soul: How to Flourish Spiritually in a World that Pressures Us to Achieve and God in My Everything: How an Ancient Rhythm Helps Busy People Enjoy God)
- Passport to Shame: From Asian Immigrant to American Addict by Sam Louie (and more)
- Experiencing Friendship with God: How the Wilderness Draws Us to His Presence by Faith Eury Cho
- Made to Belong: Five Practices for Cultivating Community in a Disconnected World by David Kim
- A Holy Haunting: Why Faith Isn’t a Leap but a Series of Staggers from One Safe Place to Another by Sam D. Kim
- Tell Me the Dream Again: Reflections on Family, Ethnicity, and the Sacred Work of Belonging by Tasha Jun
- Women of the New Testament: A Bible Study on How Followers of Jesus Transcended Culture and Transformed Communities by Joyce Koo Dalrymple
- Jesus Is My CEO: 52 Christ-Inspired, Practical Lessons for Entrepreneurs by Simon Lee
- You Are More Than You’ve Been Told: Unlock a Fresh Way to Live Through the Rhythms of Jesus and How (Not) to Save the World: The Truth About Revealing God’s Love to the People Right Next to You by Hosanna Wong (and more)
- Our Unforming: De-Westernizing Spiritual Formation by Cindy S. Lee
- Mixed Blessing: Embracing the Fullness of Your Multiethnic Identity by Chandra Crane
- Open Hands, Willing Heart: Discover the Joy of Saying Yes to God and Warrior in Pink: A Story of Cancer, Community, and the God Who Comforts by Vivian Mabuni
- Even If: Trusting God When Life Disappoints, Overwhelms, or Just Doesn’t Make Sense by Mitchel Lee
- The Missional Mom: Living with Purpose at Home & in the World by Helen Lee
- The Race-Wise Family: Ten Postures to Becoming Households of Healing and Hope by Helen Lee and Michelle Ami Reyes
- Becoming All Things: How Small Changes Lead To Lasting Connections Across Cultures by Michelle Ami Reyes
- You Are What You Do: And Six Other Lies about Work, Life, and Love by Daniel Im (also The Discipleship Opportunity: Leading a Great-Commission Church in a Post-Everything World + No Silver Bullets: Five Small Shifts that will Transform Your Ministry + Planting Missional Churches: Your Guide to Starting Churches that Multiply with Ed Stetzer)
- Praying for Your Missionary: How Prayers from Home Can Reach the Nations by Eddie Byun (and Justice Awakening: How You and Your Church Can Help End Human Trafficking)
- Choosing Us: Marriage and Mutual Flourishing in a World of Difference by Gail Song Bantum and Brian Bantum
- More Christ, More Me: One Woman’s Spiritual Journey of Finding Her True Self by Eunice Lee
- Rhythms of Resilience: Faith Practices to Thrive in Chaos by Phil Chan
- Silence and Beauty: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering by Makoto Fujimura
- The Purple Curtain: Living Out Beauty in Faith & Culture from a Biblical Perspective by Brian S. Chan
- Unbroken Faith: Spiritual Recovery for the Special Needs Parent by Diane Dokko Kim
- Inalienable: How Marginalized Kingdom Voices Can Help Save the American Church by Daniel Yang and 2 others
- Glorious Weakness: Discovering God in All We Lack by Alia Joy
- Grieving a Suicide: A Loved One’s Search for Comfort, Answers, and Hope by Albert Y. Hsu (also Singles at the Crossroads: A Fresh Perspective on Christian Singleness and The Suburban Christian: Finding Spiritual Vitality in the Land of Plenty)
- No Longer Strangers: Transforming Evangelism with Immigrant Communities edited by Eugene Cho and Samira Izadi Page
- Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion & Truth in the Immigration Debate by Jenny Yang and Matthew Soerens
- Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul: How to Change the World in Quiet Ways by Dorcas Cheng-Tozun
- A Better Country: Embracing the Refugees in Our Midst by Cindy M. Wu
- Chasing God’s Glory by Dorina Lazo Gilmore-Young (also Glory Chasers: Discovering God’s Glory in Unexpected Places)
- Prey Tell: Why We Silence Women Who Tell the Truth and How Everyone Can Speak Up by Tiffany Bluhm (and more)
- Power Women: Stories of Motherhood, Faith, and the Academy – edited by Nancy Wang Yuen and Deshonna Collier-Goubil, with AsAm contributors: Maria Su Wang, Stephanie Chan, Christina Lee Kim, Ji Y. Son, Jean Neely, Jenny H. Pak
- Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age by Felicia Wu Song
- Analog Christian: Cultivating Contentment, Resilience, and Wisdom in the Digital Age by Jay Kim (and Analog Church: Why We Need Real People, Places, and Things in the Digital Age)
- A Counselor’s Guide to Christian Mindfulness: Engaging the Mind, Body, and Soul in Biblical Practices and Therapies by Dr. Regina Chow Trammel and John Trent
- Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul by Bonnie Gray (also Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness and more)
- The Value of Wrinkles: A Young Perspective on How Loving the Old Will Change Your Life by Isabel Tom
- Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair by Duke Kwon and Gregory Thompson
- Liberation Is Here: Women Uncovering Hope in a Broken World by Nikole Lim
- The Intentional Year: Simple Rhythms for Finding Freedom, Peace, and Purpose by Glenn Packiam (also The Resilient Pastor: Leading Your Church in a Rapidly Changing World, Blessed Broken Given: How Your Story Becomes Sacred in the Hands of Jesus, and more)
- Beyond Colorblind: Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey by Sarah Shin
- Longing for Revival: From Holy Discontent to Breakthrough Faith by James Choung (also Real Life: A Christianity Worth Living Out and True Story: A Christianity Worth Believing In)
- Tell Her Story: How Women Led, Taught, and Ministered in the Early Church by Nijay K. Gupta
- The Next Evangelicalism: Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity by Soong-Chan Rah (also Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times and Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church)
- Leadership Pain: The Classroom for Growth by Sam Chand
- White Out: Understanding White Privilege and Dominance in the Modern Age by Alexander Jun and Christopher S. Collins
- When Strivings Cease: Replacing the Gospel of Self-Improvement with the Gospel of Life-Transforming Grace and GraceLaced: Discovering Timeless Truths Through Seasons of the Heart by Ruth Chou Simons
- Overrated: Are We More in Love with the Idea of Changing the World Than Actually Changing the World? by Eugene Cho (also Thou Shalt Not Be a Jerk: A Christian’s Guide to Engaging Politics)
- Raise Your Voice: Why We Stay Silent and How to Speak Up by Kathy Khang
- The Latinos of Asia: How Filipino Americans Break the Rules of Race by Anthony Christian Ocampo
- Christianity and Critical Race Theory: A Faithful and Constructive Conversation by Jeff M. Liou and Robert Chao Romero
- Character Formation in Online Education: A Guide for Instructors, Administrators, and Accrediting Agencies by Joanne J. Jung
- Joyful Journey: Listening to Immanuel by Dr. E James Wilder III, Ms Anna Kang, Mr John Loppnow, Ms Sungshim Loppnow
- Asian American Apostate: Losing Religion and Finding Myself at an Evangelical University by R. Scott Okamoto
>> also see the many Asian and Asian American authors at InterVarsity Press
sure, we could include Francis Chan and his bestselling book Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God
Books on Asian American Christianity, theology, church leadership
- MultiAsian.Church: A Future for Asian Americans in a Multiethnic World by DJ Chuang
- Conversations: Asian American Evangelical Theologies In Formation edited by DJ Chuang and Timothy Tseng; Contributors: Peter Cha, Timothy Tseng, Paul Lim, David Yoo, Lori Pierce, Paul Spickard, James Zo, and Jeffrey Jue
- Asian American Youth Ministry edited by DJ Chuang; Contributors: Joey Chen, Brian Gomes, Brian Hall, Eugene Kim, Danny Kwon, Caleb Lai, Angela Lee, Victor Quon, Joseph Tsang, Peter Wang, Justin Young
- A Letter to the Asian American Church: Embracing the Call (2024), edited by Steve S. Chang
- Jesus of the East: Reclaiming the Gospel for the Wounded by Phuc Luu
- Tapestry of Grace: Untangling the Cultural Complexities in Asian American Life and Ministry – by Benjamin C. Shin and Sheryl Takagi Silzer
- Doing Asian American Theology: A Contextual Framework for Faith and Practice by Daniel D. Lee
- Learning Our Names: Asian American Christians on Identity, Relationships, and Vocation by Sabrina S. Chan, Linson Daniel, E. David de Leon, and La Thao
- Invisible: Theology and the Experience of Asian American Women by Grace Ji-Sun Kim (also Healing Our Broken Humanity: Practices for Revitalizing the Church and Renewing the World, Embracing the Other: The Transformative Spirit of Love, and Here I Am: Faith Stories of Korean American Clergywomen)
- Finding Our Voice: A Vision for Asian North American Preaching by Matthew D. Kim and Daniel L. Wong
- Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism by Jonathan Tran
- Polycentric Missiology: 21st-Century Mission from Everyone to Everywhere by Allen Yeh
- Your First Year as a Campus Pastor: A Practical Leadership Guide to Build a Healthy Team and Culture by Sam Yoon
- The Monkey and the Fish: Liquid Leadership for a Third-Culture Church by Dave Gibbons (also Small Cloud Rising: How Creatives, Dreamers, Poets, and Misfits Are Awakening the Ancient Future Church and Xealots: Defying the Gravity of Normality)
- Grassroots Asian Theology: Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up by Simon Chan
- From a Liminal Place: An Asian American Theology by Sang Hyun Lee
- The Future of Evangelical Theology: Soundings from the Asian American Diaspora by Amos Yong
- Faithful Generations: Race and New Asian American Churches by Russell Jeung
- The Post-Racial Church: A Biblical Framework for Multiethnic Reconciliation by Kenneth Mathews and M. Sydney Park
- More Than Serving Tea: Asian American Women on Expectations, Relationships, Leadership and Faith edited by Jeanette Yep, Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto, Tracey Gee; contributors: Asifa Dean, Christie Heller de Leon, Kathy Khang
- Following Jesus Without Dishonoring Your Parents ~ Jeanette Yep, coordinator, with Peter Cha, Susan Cho Van Riesen, Greg Jao, and Paul Tokunaga
- Invitation to Lead: Guidance for Emerging Asian American Leaders by Paul Tokunaga
- Intersecting Realities: Race, Identity, and Culture in the Spiritual-Moral Life of Young Asian Americans by Hak Joon Lee
- The Tao of Asian American Belonging: A Yinist Spirituality by Young Lee Hertig
- Mirrored Reflections: Reframing Biblical Characters ~ edited by Young Lee Hertig and Chloe Sun
- Towards an Asian American Biblical Hermeneutics: An Intersectional Anthology by Gale A. Yee
- Asian American Christian Ethics: Voices, Methods, Issues edited by Grace Y. Kao and Ilsup Ahn
- Korean American Evangelicals: New Models for Civic Life by Elaine Howard Ecklund
- God’s New Whiz Kids?: Korean American Evangelicals on Campus by Rebecca Kim
- Getting Saved in America: Taiwanese Immigration and Religious Experience by Carolyn Chen
- Marginality: The Key to Multicultural Theology by Jung Young Lee
- Identity, Youth, and Gender in the Korean American Church by Christine J. Hong
- Also see this list of Books for Asian American Christianity, with books published prior to 1999
- And over at SOLA Network: