a Big List of Books authored by Asian American Christians

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Increasing numbers of books are being published by Asian American Christians, spanning beyond Christian books that talk about theology, spirituality, or church leadership. There are also valuable books for a general public audience that happen to be written by Asian Americans who identify as Christians. (this is listed in no particular order; and I started to compile this list, inspired by May 2023 month for Asian Americans and mental health, when 3 new books were released, with author interviews on the Erasing Shame podcast.) Here’s the books I’ve found so far / please add more:

Non-Fiction Books by Asian American Christians

Fiction Books by Asian American Christians

Books on Christian living, spirituality, or theology by Asian Americans

>> also see the many Asian and Asian American authors at InterVarsity Press

sure, we could include Francis Chan and his bestselling book Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

Books on Asian American Christianity, theology, church leadership