7 Asian American Christian Philanthropy Examples

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Generosity and philanthropy looks different in various cultures. In the USA, we see the prominence of institutional philanthropy through perennial organizations that are staffed for strategic effectiveness.

We hear of them mentioned in the news, e.g. Gates Foundation, Pew Charitable Trust, or celebrities making large donations publicly. And they’re acknowledged at the start of PBS and NPR programs—Carnegie Foundation, Lilly Endowment, MacArthur Foundation, etc.

Because God is the most generous giver, to be Godly means being generous like Him. Philanthropy can be achieved advantageously through an organization known as a foundation. Here are 7 foundations of Asian American Christians that I hope will inspire many more:

Jeremy Lin Foundation – loves and serves children and youth by providing hope, empowerment, and leadership development

Long Family Foundation – to support religious, educational, cultural, and research endeavors in the United States and China

L2 Foundation – seeks to develop the leadership and legacy of Asian Americans by providing support and resources [disclosure: I worked with L2 from 2000-2010]

POP’s Foundation – care for orphans with special needs, promote enrichment for adoption families, and advocate global charity advancement

Kay Family Foundation – to promote new models and systems that produce global leaders primarily across four thematic pillars: faith, education, medical and the arts

Chang Family Foundation – sharing the message of salvation, serving people in need, and giving individuals hope for a better tomorrow

Chao Foundation – to improve the health and wellbeing of children in disadvantaged regions worldwide, and promote a spirit of philanthropy and awareness of nonprofit and service opportunities among Asian Americans as well as the younger generation in East Asia

Aside: there are probably many more Asian American Christian philanthropic efforts, but I don’t have access to that info. One researcher found there’s over 1,300 Chinese American foundations in 2000 and it’s reasonable that some of them are Christian-motivated.