Tag: mentoring
Mentoring Online for Asian American Christians
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These are my slides for DJ Chuang’s breakout titled Mentoring through Media at the Asian American Ministry Conference “Mentoring for a Lifetime” at Biola University on Saturday, November 8th, 2014 Mentoring through Media @ AAMC 2014 from DJ Chuang Audio Recording (mp3) of this Breakout:: References mentioned: Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need to Succeed…
Leadership Development: Multi-Asian Church Podcast Episode 5
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For those of you keeping score at home, this is episode number 5. In this episode of the Multi-Asian Church Podcast Series, Ed Choy and I talk about developing Asian American leaders in the context of an multi-Asian/multi-ethnic churches. You’ll need to listen more carefully, since the background noise at this episode’s Starbucks (in Dallas)…